As of July 1, the electronic fee giant has announced significant increases. But we offer you an alternative to save
Another hit of the summer season may come. Prices will increase on the horizon from July 1 for Telepass subscriptions. The company notified its clients of a unilateral modification of the contract via email. But the last word should never be said about motorists. Because something very important is happening…
For many, the Telepass fee is a “meaningless tax”. On the one hand, cancellation is required, and on the other hand, government intervention is required to increase the declared tariff. Telepass SpA is an Italian company operating in the app-based and urban mobility services sector. Telepass Group has evolved since 2017 to create a service ecosystem that provides individuals and businesses with an increasing number of options for integrated mobility that is flexible, secure and sustainable.
Also known as a company active in the management, marketing and collection of automated payment systems fees (Telepass and Viacard), based on Obu (on board unit). An activity that has been done for years under a large monopoly regime. But now things can change very quickly.
To date, Telepass, the only provider of electronic toll service by adopting an exclusive national service (Sit), is subject to a system that is distinct and more convenient than that applied to Set suppliers, with problematic implications in terms of competition.
And so on, Important increases must arrive from July 1. The increase (on a monthly basis of €0.57, incl. VAT, for a family, €0.28, incl. VAT, for a twin including the premium option / Italian roadside assistance), is explained in the agency’s communication. But we can offer you an alternative to potential savings
Here’s how to leave Telepass and save
In fact, another giant arrives to undermine Telepass SpA’s monopoly. Unipol Group enters the electronic toll market and challenges Telepass’ monopoly. Unipol is the first automobile company in Italy. So it has an excellent starting point, focusing on the insured of its policies to enter the market well. 10 million auto insurance customers you can offer the product to. A real bomb.
Soon, so launch Unipolmov, a device that allows you to pay motorway tolls electronically, based on the Telepass model, as well as allow the payment of a series of services related to transportation. Some examples: You can actually pay fines, car taxes, parking, Ztl, and refuel.
The new platform therefore expands Unipol’s offer through roadside assistance and rescue services, direct maintenance and damage repair, long-term leasing and in the sale and purchase of used vehicles through its online platform. As reported, Unipolmove . should be served Free for the first six months and thereafter at €1 per month, for an annual fee, after increase, of around €22 by Telepass.
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