Home science It will make way for a new roundabout and pier

It will make way for a new roundabout and pier

It will make way for a new roundabout and pier

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Demolition work started yesterday For the former Ponti di Cunardo furniture factory (Here are the details of traffic changes in force).

Where the building stands today, a few meters from the park on Via Martiri Angeresi (the subject of the redevelopment plan announced in recent months) and from the rehabilitation and care home “Le Tiraz”, in the future Roundabout and sidewalk They will ensure greater safety for pedestrians and vehicular traffic along District 30 that leads to the border with Marcherolo.

The area is at the center of an important road project, and the construction site that started in the last few hours is only a preparatory step for work, too late. “In the past there were preliminary projects, but the space available was so little that the province would not allow the construction of a roundabout,” recalls Pinocia Mandelli, Mayor of Conardo.

Today, however, the perspective has changed, after the municipality managed to win the land of the former furniture factory by auction, and now it crumbling structure – The activity stopped about ten years ago – at the same time the launch of a joint intervention plan with the province of Varese and the “Le Terrazze” centre.

And it is precisely the demolition of the building – a procedure for which the municipality has allocated about 45,000 euros – the main step, The long lost pieceBecause once the field is vacated, it will be possible to focus on the design of the pier and the roundabout, commissioning all necessary surveys in an area that will eventually be empty.

Why is this project relevant? “Because pedestrian traffic has been a problem until now – explains the first town – the lanes of the road are wide, vehicles sometimes pass at high speed and many citizens who move on foot Towards Le Terrazze they must approach the wall.”

Moreover, the road not only leads to the nursing home, but also continues In the direction of the cemeteryIt can be accessed with a bike/pedestrian path that rises to the side of the road, which, once works are complete, will link directly to the new sidewalk.

in time The mayor is not unbalanced: bureaucracy, the crisis of raw materials, expensive fuel and the consequences of the spread of the Corona virus in the construction sector are forcing municipal administrations to deal with the need to review their schedules on a daily basis. “The hope – as Mandele adds in closing – is to see the work completed by the end of my term, which will end in 2024.”

(Image from Google Maps)


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