Diabetes may be a disabling disease in some respects. High blood sugar, that is, levels of sugar in the blood in greater than normal amounts, will be both a symptom and an outcome.
Through a simple blood sample, which the doctor prescribes, we can know the value of sugar in the blood. If it is elevated, the doctor will prescribe further tests. In addition, it will be easy to increase blood sugar, as in the case of having a favorite drink from an early age and still drinking it today.
There are multiple types of diabetes, depending on their severity. The first type would be the most problematic, as patients with it would need to be given the insulin needed to regulate glucose. On the other hand, type 2 diabetes must be controlled through nutrition, first of all, and any treatment prescribed by the doctor.
In the case of diabetes, the common concept has always been to avoid foods with a high glycemic index. However, science will intervene through discovery. It sounds amazing, but the glycemic index will not increase the risk of disease.
Foods that are not recommended in case of diabetes
According to research from Veronese FoundationThe importance of the glycemic index should be reduced. The latter will be a parameter that will indicate how quickly your blood sugar will increase after eating.
If we assume that diabetics should avoid eating sweets and foods rich in sugars, the research that studied about 163 overweight people who were exposed to different types of diets, would have given surprising results.
It appears, in fact, that the difference between the types of diets with a low sugar content and those with a high glycemic index was minimal. Especially with regard to insulin resistance. Therefore, for the researchers, the glycemic index of foods would not be a risk factor for the onset of diabetes.
However, it is clear that each of us must maintain a healthy and balanced meal plan by incorporating all the necessary macronutrients. Moreover, it is advised to limit the consumption of foods rich in fat and sugar. Especially in the case of diabetes. However, for this, we must consult only an expert.
It sounds unbelievable but the glycemic index won’t increase your risk of diabetes Here’s how to eat fruit according to science
If you have diabetes or not, the fruit should be eaten daily. In fact, it will be rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. However, it is always advisable to pay attention to the quantity, as the fruit will still contain sugars, even if they are natural.
In any case, experts may argue that the fruit should be eaten with the peel, as it contains biologically active molecules important for health. Of course, the peeled fruit will have the same beneficial properties, but by getting rid of the peel, we can give up many nutrients.
However, this article is not intended to replace a doctor’s opinion, as it is for information only. Therefore, we invite you to consult an expert, especially in the case of diabetes and its related nutrition.
Suggestions for reading
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“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”