In the the fourth day National championship Elite Serie AL’Bondino Hockey Club It is exceeded in its fieldHP Valchison With a score of 3 goals to 1. The Piedmontese, who on this occasion also proved themselves to be a team of absolute technical value, were generally more pessimistic than Matilda and made better use of all the chances they had during the match.
Overall, it was a balanced match that was played at a high pace by both teams, with the details making the difference on the pitch.
The first quarter of the match was lost without much emotion, with the teams above all busy studying each other. In the next period, the game is unlocked. The first shorts reach the owners of the land and the first opportunity for the Turin players, but the result does not change until a goal Michael Longo Which suddenly makes the villagers take advantage. Ferrarese’s reaction comes in hard. It’s the captain Alessandro Mozioli To find par after a few minutes with devastating personal work, both technically and physically. So we move on to the long one on 1-1.
At the beginning of the third quarter, the moment that changes the history of the game. Valchisone pushes the accelerator, creates many chances and clearly controls the field for a few minutes. At this juncture, with Bondino still in the locker room, the Argentine’s goal arrives Agustin Ignacio Ceballos On making a short corner changes the balance of the challenge. The locals feel the blow, but after a moment of understandable confusion, they begin to push to reopen the game.
The opportunity came at the right time, but Mozioli missed the potential penalty kick 2-3 with an inaccurate score that went past Del Anno’s goal. Despite the efforts made, Bondino can no longer return to the game and has to surrender to the greater feasibility of his opponents, being able to convert 3 of the 4 short corners available in 60 minutes of play into the net.
Thus comes the second consecutive defeat for Matilda, who drops to the penultimate place in the standings and is still waiting for his first success of the season.
Coach next Saturday Marco Bretoni Away, in the field of underside SH Bonomi, you’ll be involved in a true redemption challenge between two new A Elite formations that didn’t start out on the right foot.
They took the stadium for the hockey club Bondino Bartnoski, Bedani, Bergamini Al, Bergamini A, Calzolari A, Calzolari S, Candiago, Costanzelli, Ferrante, Fedosenko, Hussein, Marcellini, Merighi, Muzioli, Nizi, Santini, Sochi, Wahid. Breton herds
Elite Serie A
Results fourth day
S.H. Bonomi-Paul. Ferrini 1-4
HCC Butterfly-SG Amsicora 4-1
HC Bondeno-HP Valchison 1-3
HC Tevere Eur- HC Bra 3-1
HC Tevere Euro 10
HP Valkyson 8
Paul Ferrini 7
HC Bra 7
HCC Butterfly 5
SG Amsicora 4
HC Bondino 2
S.H. Bonomi 0
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