Published by Paolo Radivo – Pineta di Cattinara Committee
“The multidisciplinary assistance to pregnant women and newborns on which the doctor relied today in the media is certainly desirable. But, as she herself says, it cannot be guaranteed by moving the“ Burlo Garofolo ”in Catinara to a smaller building, and therefore impossible. To reproduce all The departments and beds located in the Via dell’Istria, are much less in view of the latest health regulations, and thus aggravate the situation by spending a torrent of money and destroying the pine forest.
Catinara lacks the space to build a mother and child hospital larger than the current hospital. Unless you want to raise the planned floors 5 to who knows the number and the building extends towards Via Valdoni. This is to make the future ecomostro more complex …
The doctor writes that “it is necessary to start projects again and rethink a new Burlo adapted to the times.” But, objectively speaking, Cattinara could not be the right place. The merger of IRCCS’s pediatric sector with ASUGI Adult Hospital would also be counterproductive. It is better to preserve its autonomy and leave it via dell’Istria, where instead the administrative and technical sectors can be moved to more convenient close quarters, which today take up space from clinical activities. The area adjacent to the former Maddalena was the ideal expansion site. But the irrationality of wanting to concentrate everything in Catinara prevailed, at all costs…”