The great tradition of doll art goes back to Barry. “Felicità Adriatica” is the new artistic project of Granteatrino Casa di Pulcinella that also presents three science-related shows. Our Interview with Paolo Comentale, Technical Director of reconsidering
Tales and stories of encounters, clashes, adventures, hospitality, fantasies and warlike magic. Ten events that chart a path made of Children’s workshops and shows open to allavailable free by reservation, representing the best artistic products of the past decade in the field of puppetry and theater for children and young adults.
In the Arena della Vittoria building, world-famous companies will take turns to transform the art of story, body, word, wood, thread and fabric into tools capable of generating beauty. Then three companies will take up the issue of scientific publishing: Fantacadabra (August 26), La Compagnia del Sole (August 23-24-25) and Arterie Teatro (August 31).
With ‘Felicità Adriatica’ we have been rewarded A great Italian tradition of puppetry. Let’s start with the puppets of the Colla family from Milan, a tradition that has wandered around the world, and approach the puppet theater by Mimmo and Giacomo Cuticchio from Palermo, highlighting the unity of our country despite the diversity of artistic techniques: puppets flow puppets from the north and Sicilian puppets from the south . The two companies return to Bari after nearly 20 years. Besides these two theatrical traditions – said the artistic director of the revision promoted by the municipality of Bari – Repartizione culture funded by the Ministry of Culture – we find the Compagnia del Sole with Flavio Albanese and Marinella Anaclerio and Acting on the Science Theatre. The audience who will attend the performances will come home with an old and rare idea of beauty, a unique emotion. The municipality of Bari has provided us with the means to realize the dream.”
The surrounding environment Talk about it with Paolo Comintalartistic director of “Felicità Adriatica” and professor of artistic reality for forty years at Bari del Granteatrino’s house in Pulcinella.
the interview
You work with a distinguished interlocutor, a fertile land on which to plant letters in the hope that they will generate the beauty of flowers and fruits.
“The heart of our audience is children, they have the future in their eyes. We try to do theatrical literacy because often the youngsters come to the theater with us for the first time and it is important that this first relationship is positive and full of interest and mystery but also joy and magic. However, they are also interesting offerings for all other ages because for us working for children means working at the highest possible quality because young people are the most exceptional but also the most demanding audience. The emotion of listening is indelible and the tale must be meticulously re-told.”
How important is it to talk ‘with’ children? The shows she tells are stories about relationships, encounters, friendships, relationships between people, all things that were sorely lacking in the pandemic years, especially for the young ones.
“It is always important to leave positive messages. In our little way, we consider ourselves teachers and educators who must be optimists, who must always think that there is a possibility to overcome difficulty, to affirm one’s presence with the joy of living. It’s an important message in a world where there is always the sad dimension of loneliness and difficulty. Instead we should try to flip the idea. After all, this is what the title of the review says, which was born from an extraordinary poet of my generation, Pier Paolo Pasolini. On one of his trips to Bari in the 1950s he said: “As soon as he lifts the curtain of darkness, the city appears in all its Adriatic happiness…”. I find it an important term and we like to combine “Adriatic happiness” with the ancient and rare art of dolls, dolls and puppets to give the audience “happiness now…mo mo“.”
In the review there is the topic of science. It is unusual to combine it with theatre. Instead it works!
“It works a lot. For this review, we worked with two very important puppet theater companies on a national level: the Carlo Colla & Figli Puppet Company in Milan and the Palermo dolls of the Figli d’Arte Cuticchio that open and close the “Felicità Adriatica”. In the center There is this company between Bari and Rome, Compagnia del Sole directed by Marinella Anaclerio and Flavio Albanese who have always worked on these science-related themes of theater. We talk about Leonardo, about the universe that is a bed, and the stars are blankets. There is the idea of thinking of science as something that can Telling it to children and that children, who are laughing and moving, can recognize important concepts that affect our lives. It is basically an idea, very important to us, for theater to be a discovery and not just entertainment, and theater as a deep emotion.”
Instead, Granteatrino will suggest an art of a very cool character: Caravaggio.
“It will be a reinterpretation of the human and artistic experience of this painter who has marked art history so much but I can’t say more because it would be a surprise…”
Offers “Adriatic Happiness”
Tuesday August 2 at 8:30 pm – Prestigious Carlo Cola & Sons Bridal Companyone of the most important families working in the Italian puppet tradition since 1861, stands out on the stage”wooden heads”, A cross-sectional journey through the collection of dolls inspired by an ancient canvas, where dolls, at the end of the day, live in their wardrobes an independent life. Expression, craftsmanship and imagination come to the fore. Recommended from the age of 8 years.
At 7.30 pm, outdoors in the Mediterranean plaza in front of the Granteatrino, entertainment and juggling activities for all boys and girls aged 6 years and over, organized by Circo Botero with Christian Lesko as Mister Paige.
Wednesday 3 August – Matera company Bate Theater Bringing the show to the stageIs this fact out of date? “. A tribute to the tradition of Lucan oral stories, the witchcraft of southern Italy, which combines the language of magical rituals with the language of children’s theater. Before the show, there will be a theatrical, artistic and expressive workshop entitled Ancient Rites and the Masciare Edited by Enzo Vaca Bari artist is proud of his artistic collaboration with the most important theaters of Puglia. A day for children from 5 years old.
Tuesday 23, Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 August – with sun company Here is a project calledThe Last of the Witches – History of Science through Philosophy, Mythology, Poetry and Literature – Workshops and Scientific Theater Shows”. A scientific publishing track through three offers: Flight icon astral messenger universe mattress. Each show will be preceded by a theater, a science lab, and a lesson on a topicAstrophysicist Marco Gilberti from the University of Milan.
Friday 26 August – About Abruzzo Company Vantakadabra Debuted in the national premiere of the show’Last call to Noah’s ark, a modern version of the Great Flood as seen through the eyes of three penguins. A funny and poetic story about love, friendship and solidarity.
Theatrical animation was commissioned before the show Michelle Diana from Circo Botero who will compete in a number of juggling, acrobatics, acrobats and clowns.
Sunday 28 August International debut of the new production of Granitatrino by title “Caravaggio 450 years after the birth of a genius who lived between art, adventure and mystery. A production for everyone who sees its hero as a famous art critic, in the company of Caravaggio’s mother (1571-1610). On stage are young actors, puppets and musicians from the Niccolò Piccinni Conservatory in Bari.
Tuesday 30 August – Presentation of the art of the historical company Castellammare di Stabia Puffswhich will be presented in the presentationAlice in Wonderland “ With an original theatrical performance in which writer Lewis Carroll emerges in the flesh from his masterpiece to tell the audience that the main characters in the story of Alice, the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts, have survived leaving the secondary characters. lonliness.
On the same day the experts lab Artists of the House of Pulcinellaauthorized “Fantasy eyes It was created for families and children who live in the common garden of the Marconi School in San Cataldo, Bari in the summer.
Wednesday 31 August – Bolian Company arterial theater will organize the showMarcovaldo – mushrooms in the city “, from “Marcovaldo, or Seasons of the City” by Italo Calvino. The story of a “man of nature”, Marcovaldo, who manages to find a small green corner between the smog and skyscrapers of a big city where he can feed the dream of “another place”.
The workshop anticipating the show will be created by Granteatrino in collaboration with Filoxenia, an association committed to protecting the village’s history and culture. It is called “Nature in the City”.
Thursday 1 September – The Historic Sicilian Company Sons of Art Cuticchio with “The great duel between Orlando and Rinaldo for the love of beautiful Angelica “, One of the most cherished stories of the audience is the puppet opera.
To anticipate the show, puppet animation is by Roberto Lanave, an artist from Bari who has been passionate about building and animate thread puppets for years.
Entry is free upon reservation: Tel: 080-5344660 – Mail:
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