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“I clean his house every Thursday”

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The friendship between Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, born on the Speed ​​group in 1994, still exists today. Even years after the movie premiere, the two They continue to be a part of each other’s lives.

Sandra Bullock, whom we recently saw the main character in her last movie with Channing Tatum, which we talked about in our movie lost city reviewshe has Tell how the bet is placed on the deck She switched to a ten-year subscription with the former Speed ​​star.

I clean his house every Thursday. It’s kind of something we had. I lost a bet when we played Speed ​​and I said, “Well, if that’s not right, I’m going to clean your house.” I think I did a good job. I mean, I’ve come out of certain rooms, but I respect it. Besides cleaning the house on Thursdays, I see him maybe once or twice a year.”

While Speed ​​brought the two stars to fame, who then met on screen only once in the romantic drama The Lake House, the feeling between Bullock and Reeves never failed. The Oscar winner was the first to admit his feelings for the actor during an interview with Ellen in 2018, while protagonist Matrix: Resurrections revealed a year later that he never realized it, and then reciprocated everything. Therefore, both Prefer a wonderful and lasting friendship over a potential spouse’s relationship.

while, Keanu Reeves revealed he’s ready for Speed ​​3.

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