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How long is maternity leave in Ontario 2023

How long is maternity leave in Ontario 2023

Maternity and parental leave policies in Ontario play a crucial role in supporting new parents as they welcome a new child into their family. In this article, we will explore the duration of maternity leave in Ontario as of 2023, the associated benefits, and the rights and responsibilities of both employees and employers during this period.

How long is Maternity Leave in Ontario

Maternity leave, also known as pregnancy leave, is a job-protected leave available to birth mothers in Ontario. This leave allows mothers to take time off work to recover from childbirth and bond with their newborns.

  1. Duration of Maternity Leave: In Ontario, as of 2023, maternity leave lasts up to 17 weeks. It can start as early as 17 weeks before the expected due date and no later than the actual date of birth. The leave may be extended by an additional six weeks if the mother experiences complications during childbirth, such as a Caesarean section, or if the newborn has a certified medical condition requiring additional care.

Parental Leave in Ontario

In addition to maternity leave, new parents in Ontario are entitled to parental leave, which can be taken by either or both parents after the birth or adoption of a child.

  1. Duration of Parental Leave: As of 2023, parental leave in Ontario can last up to 61 weeks for birth mothers who take maternity leave and up to 63 weeks for other parents, such as fathers or adoptive parents. Parental leave must be taken within 78 weeks of the child’s birth or adoption.
  2. Combined Leave: When combined, maternity and parental leave can provide a birth mother with a total of up to 78 weeks of job-protected leave (17 weeks of maternity leave plus 61 weeks of parental leave).

Benefits During Maternity and Parental Leave

While on maternity or parental leave, eligible employees in Ontario may receive financial support through the federal Employment Insurance (EI) program.

  1. Employment Insurance Benefits: EI maternity benefits provide financial support for up to 15 weeks, while EI parental benefits can cover up to 35 weeks for the standard option or up to 61 weeks for the extended option. The standard parental benefits provide a higher weekly payment but cover a shorter period, while the extended benefits offer a lower weekly payment over a longer duration. Parents must choose between the standard or extended option when applying for EI benefits.
  2. Benefit Rates: As of 2023, the EI maternity benefit rate is 55% of the claimant’s average weekly insurable earnings, up to a maximum amount. The standard EI parental benefit rate is also 55% of the claimant’s average weekly insurable earnings, while the extended parental benefit rate is 33%. The maximum amounts for these benefits are subject to change annually, so it is essential to consult the Government of Canada’s website for the most up-to-date information.

Employee and Employer Rights and Responsibilities

Both employees and employers have specific rights and responsibilities during maternity and parental leave in Ontario.

  1. Employee Rights: Employees have the right to take job-protected leave without fear of losing their job or facing discrimination. They are also entitled to maintain their benefits and accrue seniority during their leave.
  2. Employee Responsibilities: Employees must provide their employer with written notice at least two weeks before the start of their maternity or parental leave. They must also notify their employer of any changes to their expected return date.
  3. Employer Rights: Employers have the right to request medical documentation or proof of birth or adoption when an employee applies for maternity or parental leave.
  4. Employer Responsibilities: Employers must maintain employee benefits and seniority during maternity and parental leave. They must also ensure that the employee’s job, or a comparable position, is available upon their return to work. Employers cannot terminate, demote, or discriminate against employees for taking or planning to take maternity or parental leave.


    In Ontario, as of 2023, maternity leave provides up to 17 weeks of job-protected leave for birth mothers, while parental leave offers an additional 61 weeks for birth mothers who take maternity leave or up to 63 weeks for other parents. These leaves allow new parents to spend time bonding with their newborn or newly adopted child while receiving financial support through Employment Insurance benefits. It is essential for both employees and employers to understand their rights and responsibilities during maternity and parental leave to ensure a smooth and supportive transition for all parties involved.


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