Auto “Out”. “Inside” the bikes. Corso Buenos Aires in Milan is preparing to become more suitable for bicycles and electric scooters. And the trend has already been tracked before the elections by Mayor Beppe Sala, who was quite clear in March of last year. “The task I entrusted to mobility consultant Censi is: to find ways to remove some parking spaces and make a cycle path safer and more linear. That is the first goal. The bigger goal – the mayor has completed – is instead to review the sidewalks and the distances between pedestrians and the car. We are working on that “.
It is clear that the work is done. As he speaks on Tuesday at the meeting at Palazzo Marino “Mobility and City Design: A New Vision Being Built Together,” Commissioner Ariana Sensi has already laid out a timeline for the first time.
“I plan to close the relationship with all the players involved by the end of the year and close the design. Works should start next year,” he announced. But what works will be carried out in what is the shopping street of Milan? The idea is clear: remove the cars – now parked between the road for cars and the bike path – and leave more space for bikes and pedestrians. “The essence is this – explained Censi -. We will remove the parking spaces from the street, we will widen the sidewalks, and make them more pleasant and more beautiful in a way that is more comfortable for people and more convenient for merchants.”
On the same wave Mayor, who also spoke at the event. “I think that the course of the Corso Buenos Aires, the subject of many discussions, in the not too distant future, I hope, must change for the better: we will have to remove parking spaces, improve mobility and create sidewalks.” “What we see today and how many bikes pass there has quadrupled,” added Sala, stressing that “mobility consultant Ariana Sensi, has the task of studying, with common sense, how to create other bike paths and how to improve the existing ones.” Starting from Corso Buenos Aires.
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”