Grosseto: European adventure in Champions League subordinate Grosseto Skaters Club It will start on September 30th Roche-sur-Youngin France. A journey that is certainly challenging from a logistical point of view, as the capital of the province of Vendé, in the Loire region, is not easily reached by plane.
“Four days will be expensive – highlights President Stefano Osti “We will face them with great enthusiasm and with great joy that they secured a place in the Champions League thanks to an exceptional season that saw us close to seventh place after we also played in the Italian Cup qualifiers.”
Saavedra and his teammates will compete with Kings Lynn (Great Britain), Lleida (Spain) and of course with Fendini, the thirteen-time French champion who finished last year in third place behind Saint-Omer and Covert. During the market, transalpines also hired Walter Sisti of Vercelli.
“From a technical point of view – adds Usti – it will be a focus that has to be played, even if we have to understand the value of others. It will be a dark start for Europe, but not for the team that will present itself at Roches-sur-Yon with three championship rounds in the legs and that is a great advantage over the past.”
Three of the four first-round concentrations will take place in France, in Coutras (the local team is coached by Raffaele Biancucci of Grosseto), Quevert and Roche Sur Yon, and one in Geneva, Switzerland.
“It was good to organize something in Italy – says the head of the CP – our company cannot do it at the moment, even if we present a project to expand our path. The municipal administration has given its approval, but we are waiting for the council to express itself with the facts and approve the feasibility project that will allow us to solve the problem of the station. At the moment we have no exception and only with the approval of the project, the federation will give us the exception for this year and for another two years and it will avoid us having to go and play elsewhere waiting for the capacity to be increased.”
The Champions League formula anticipates the first two qualifying to the next stage, while the last two will be relegated to the WSE Cup.
“Our first European adventure will continue in December, either in the Champions Cup or at WSE,” explains Usti.
Roche-sur-Yon concentration calendar. September 30: 7 p.m., Grosseto-King’s Lynn Ski Club, 9 p.m., La Vendéenne-Lleida; October 1: 4 p.m., King’s Lynn-La Vendéenne, 6 p.m., Lleida-CP Grosseto; October 2: 2 p.m., King’s Lynn-Lleida, 4 p.m. Grosseto-La Vendéenne.
Preparation begins. Meanwhile, has been prepared A1 Series Teamon the orders of Michelle Achellegiven the league debut on September 17 at Bari track against Vercelli.
“We started getting serious after a lot of poetry and a lot of talk,” says President Stefano Osti. I hope the ten players are relaxed and ready to give everything they can. A really tough season awaits them.”