Monday, March 17, 2025

Hockey in mourning: Farewell to Vittorio Ferrari –

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Sport from Vercelli in mourning for the death of Vittorio Ferrari, at the age of 79, one of Vercelli’s most important hockey managers, Vice President of Amatori degli Scudetti.

Ferraresi died at his home in Olcenengo, from a terminal illness that plagued him for some time. Vice President Sponsor Giuseppe Domenical and then Tommaso Diglio and Lorenzo Piconi, were a reference point for the world of wheelsports.

“Hello Vittorio, the Vercelli hockey team is in mourning. You have introduced me to your love of amateurs and to this sport, for 35 years,” wrote Elvis Racciopi, Engas Hockey Vercelli Vice President. But let’s remember that Ferrari were many friends and people who appreciated him for his activity as a sports director and pastry chef: he was at first an employee of Follis, then he started his own business by opening his own in Via Goito.

“He was a cheerful, jovial guy – remember his friends – and with a ready-made joke, he did a lot for hockey.”

A friend of Daniel Martinazzo just a few years ago, when the Argentine hero returned to Vercelli, had Ferrari with him as the protagonist of a reunion that made fans dream, in the ’80s and early ’90s, crowded Pala Brignolato.

Ferraresi leaves his wife Luisa and daughters Stefania, a well-known merchant in the center, proprietor of a tobacco shop in Via Verdi, and Sarah and her granddaughter Aurora. The funeral date will be announced in the next few hours.

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Thalia Twitty
Thalia Twitty
"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."
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