At the end of a tiring day at work, few things are as relaxing as sitting on the couch and enjoying your favorite TV show. We all do this as it recharges your head and “disconnects” your head from everyday stress. Unfortunately, science has recently discovered that this is a risky behavior that should not be underestimated. Because that’s what happens to our hearts if we spend more than an hour a day sitting or lying on the sofa in front of the TV. Let’s get ready because maybe we have to start changing our habits.
Studying the relationship between how you watch TV and heart health
accident Search Conducted in collaboration with the University of Cambridge and Hong Kong, it analyzed one of the most common and prevalent behaviours. This means spending many hours of the day sitting on the couch watching TV.
Scientists compared the time the scientists spent in this way with the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease. All using a database of about 500,000 people who followed for 12 years.
What appeared is really realistic. Anyone who spends more than 4 hours a day watching TV on the couch appears to have the highest risk of coronary heart disease. For those as young as 3 hours, the risk drops by 6%. On the other hand, it drops by 16% for people who spend less than an hour on the sofa per day. All seem independent of the genetic predisposition and genetic factors of individual individuals.
Reputable research confirms once again the importance of fighting a sedentary life with physical activity. So the advice always remains the same. We learn to train in the right way according to our age and we can significantly reduce the risk of developing very serious diseases.
Here’s What Happens To Our Hearts If We Watch Too Much TV on the Couch According to Science and Why We Should Change Habits Immediately
Another very interesting fact emerges from the research published in BMC Medicine. That is, there are not the same risks as a sofa and TV set in front of a computer screen.
It may sound strange but if we analyze some aspects, it may not be the case. We usually watch TV in the evening after dinner. And dinner is usually the most sugary and calorie-dense meal and the most difficult to work with. Plus, it’s not uncommon in front of the TV to find yourself embracing a snack or an appetizer.
It’s hard for this to happen in front of a computer as we tend to spend less time, be more active and without eating.
Suggestions for reading
Here’s what can happen to our heart if we sleep too little and there is no good news
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