“Negotiations must begin in the next two months before insurmountable tensions emerge: ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo” before the Russian invasion on February 24. Thus, in his speech at Davos, Henry Kissinger Suggest that Ukraine should be willing to cede some territory to Russia, see Crimea and breakaway republics DonbassTo end the war and avoid its escalation.
The 98-year-old former foreign minister’s speech contained a strong warning a United State and the West to avoid being swept away by the “moods of the moment” by avoiding the pursuit of an embarrassing defeat for Russia that could Endangering Europe’s long-term stability. For Kissinger, it is urgent to find a way to put an end to the times indicated: “Prolonging the war beyond this limit will not be for the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia.” “I hope the Ukrainians will match the heroism they have shown with wisdomsaid the hero of American realpolitik, referring to Kyiv’s need for recognition “the current situation” With Russia, which officially controls the Crimea and informally controls the territories of Luhansk and Donetsk
Kissinger’s arguments mirror those expressed in a recent newspaper editorial The New York Times which states that Ukrainians must be prepared for “painful regional decisions” to achieve peace. The editorial of The Times, the words of Kissinger today, immediately provoked Kyiv’s reaction: “Any concession to Russia It is not the way to peace“But it’s a war postponed for several years,” the president’s adviser said of the editorial. Volodymyr Zelensky, Mikhailo Podolak, who today tweeted a sharp criticism of the words of the elderly former foreign minister. “It is good that the Ukrainians in the trenches do not have time to listen to the instigators of the panic in Davos: they are somewhat committed to defending freedom and democracy,” he wrote in a polemic. Old photo of Kissinger and Putin Shake hands. Even the deputy Inna Sofson He denounced Kissinger’s words as “really shameful,” and tweeted: “It is a pity that the former Secretary of State believes that giving up part of the sovereign territory is a means to peace for any country.”
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