Gabriel GravinaThe president of FIFA, FIFA, assessed the health of Italian football together with the president of Lega Serie A Lorenzo Casini, guest of the “Il Foglio at San Siro” event: “I think Italian football is doing well in its social and cultural dimensions and strength A big driver also in the area of social responsibility. The economic dimension makes us feel a little more concerned, we’ve started a kind of service, the engine is losing streaks but it’s not a car to get rid of.” A three-year plan to activate cost-control mechanisms. Then there is the issue of system reforms and overall management. Mathematical score, of artistic value. I don’t want to sound like the voice of the chorus, there was a defeat, that’s right, but Italian football is not only the first national team that remains a reference point, but three national youth teams have qualified in the final stages of the tournaments.”
You put the topic of liquidity index by contrast:
“We have met certain needs, we have done our best but it cannot be 0.01, with Casini we have the possibility of constructive dialogue from perspective. If we remain attached to the limitations, we lose sight of the real goals. There is no reason for that disagreement, it was a long and in-depth discussion. We tried. Focusing attention on critical issues in the world of football, with a view to securing the football system. Today the liquidity index seems very reductive compared to what is needed in other sectors, but it is one of the ways in which we have tried to look at sustainability.”
The issue of the Growth Ordinance criminalizes investing in our talents:
“It is a problem with the way it is used. It is right to use it in the world of football where today there is an anomaly: if out of the 340 members of Serie A, there are only 50 Italians and there are only 143 selected players, there is a topic we must ask ourselves. Where My resistance arose? In the face of an initial hypothesis of abolition, there was talk of a 1.5/2 million cap which generated resistance at the parliamentary level that could have effects on tax evasion.”
Class phases, how can you speed up the path for someone who wants to create a new path?
“We are missing a big event, we are working on it for EURO 2032 and we are in a good position but we have to arrive prepared and I think we missed a huge opportunity to identify a part of the PNRR to be allocated to this sector.
Three things to do to improve Italian football?
“The first is sustainability, with rules that make it possible to reorganize the accounts internationally. Unfortunately, football saw a 12% drop in revenue in this regard, and a 5% increase in labor costs affecting 75%. Revenue, the highest In all of Europe. This is one of the goals that we must begin to control. Then there is the issue of technical training and organization, with the premise of improving our federated positions. But to do this wonderful cooperation with Lega an A is needed, and it is inconceivable that FIFA should have an Academy Especially if he does not have an agreement with the relevant league.The main topic in the coming months is to start the path of cooperation with the goal of Italian football.In Purgatory, we are unfortunately going through a difficult moment associated with the culture of our country where maximizing the sporting result seems to be the utmost political commitment. We must recover quickly, but we are or are on the right track.”
“Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek.”