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Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Gravina “Escape from Coverciano? They take responsibility” – Football

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(ANSA) – ROME, June 4 – “The value and attachment to the shirt begins to fade.” Gabriel Gravina does not utter the words to comment on the Azzurri’s exit from Coverciano (especially to discuss the Lazzari and Zaccani affair in which Roberto Mancini also expressed himself) in the approach of tonight’s national team match against Germany. “We are beginning to realize a kind of disconnect, there are external contaminants – confirmed the FIFA president who was interviewed by Sky – there is someone keen to protect their interests, and that is in the DNA of football clubs.

Someone else does it out of a grudge, while another person still has conflicting behaviors. The association with the jersey is something that begins to fade, and in this we will need to do something more: understand, and I say it respectfully, that the blue jersey can be left but those who do that assume they are the responsibilities and we will move forward anyway.”


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