Saturday 16 April 16:30 Spazio Rosso presents Tiziano: Get art and spread it on social networks.
On the occasion of writing the degree thesis of silviabocchi, a young student from Piacenza attending a course for the disciplines of arts, music, entertainment and fashion at the University of Bologna, we are hosting a debate on the relationship between arts and community networks. The topics and ideas that will emerge during the meeting will enrich and integrate with Bocchi’s work.
Speakers: danielesenna and giacomosesenna, young curators of Spazio Rosso Tiziano
lucaterenziani, a specialist in new techniques of art, graduated from the Brera Academy
renzofanelli, aka fkr3n, budding painter and sculptor @jacoporossetti, young art historian.
How do those who run a cultural space relate to the digital world? And what future for a space like Rosso Tiziano? Are Social Networks Helpful for a Young Emerging Artist? Are influencers useful for museums? How do you make artistic posting on social media to a non-expert audience? Can Piacenza’s heritage be effectively promoted online? These are some of the questions that we and the audience will try to answer. Plenty of room for interventions (and our wines).
It will also be one of the last occasions to visit the solo exhibition dedicated to Getty Bisagni, a visionary artist from Bettola with whom our team is particularly associated.
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