PORTO SAN GIORGIO The first time is never forgotten and couldn’t be more exciting and delicious. On Sunday, in Porto San Giorgio, the curtain fell on the 2022 FIFA World Cup Final, and our movement, represented by 4 teams, returned with a victory: the under-19 team’s victory over Cantine Réonet Tolentino. The club headed by Marco Salvatore has never lifted the trophy in the men’s field …
Porto San Giorgio
Never forget the first time and it couldn’t be more exciting and delicious. On Sunday, in Porto San Giorgio, the curtain fell on the 2022 FIFA World Cup Final, and our movement, represented by 4 teams, returned with a victory: the under-19 team’s victory over Cantine Réonet Tolentino. The club headed by Marco Salvatore has never lifted the cup in the men’s field (in the last 5 times with the girls) and two years ago touched the cup by losing in the final. At PalaSavelli, he faced the Real Fabriano holders and the top candidates, but the Crimson managed to spread them out at the end of 5-4. Fabriano’s people complain because they made more, but the vaults were always up front, already 3-1 up in the interval. Gachi scored twice and Severi’s hat-trick for Roberto Germani’s sons, a hat-trick with a gig goal, signed just over a minute from its expiration after a superb display by other superstar Gachi. These are the champions of the March 2022 Cup: Nicola Sirani, Lorenzo Lambertucci, Arturo Severi, Andrea Ateli, Yassine Ashouri, Nicola Gidini, Francesco Fondati, Enis Gashi, Jitmir Memidov, Carlo Sparaglia, Alessandro Andreuzzi, Riccardo Costantini. Castrum Lauri also rejoices. The club, which plays in Ripe San Ginesio and embraces several villages inland, has actually surpassed Candia Baracola Aspio 5-3 in the semi-finals of the Marche D Cup series. A very significant result because the cup in this category is not only prestigious, but on the contrary of So, they give an upgrade to a higher class. The final will take place against Pieve D’Ico at the end of the season to ensure the regularity of the tournament. Love Cup finals instead for Recanati U-17 who was hacked in the final 7-1 by Italservice Pisaro. Nothing too does for Montelopon between the Big Series C. Rossanero won the quarter-finals 6-3 at Audax Sant’Angelo, then gave in with their heads held 5-4 to Cerrito Dessi who later lifted the trophy.
Andrea Scuba
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