Many young people in the procession: “Macron cannot impose his laws on us”
Gene , 19 yearsart student, traveled from Toulouse In Paris for the procession: “I came here because I had something to do. My parents miss them.” Two years To retire and can’t afford it anymore. This is not the life we want and Macron cannot continue to impose Ignore the laws we are in democracy“.
by Martina Castigliani, sent to Paris
The Garbage Collectors Union announces the suspension of the strike
French Federation Cgt Announce a comment He hits affiliate garbage collectors Starting tomorrow (Wednesday). In Paris, in recent weeks, tons of rubbish have been left on the ground as part of protests against pension reform. Emmanuel Macronturning the French capital into a kind of Huge dump open sky.
Student Voices: “Reform is discrimination against minorities”
Julie, 20, is studying law at a university Nanterre: “This reform is discriminatory minorities and the Community lgbtqi+. It’s affecting all of us now. And we students must take action for those who cannot be on the streets today.”
by Martina Castigliani, sent to Paris
Pensioner on the square “Affected Youth”.
There is also one retired و In the field to protest against the government. Elaine, 73, former counselor, al I finish He says, “I’m here because you don’t have to be selfishness And think only of yourself. I show for who I am young man And to all slim Who will be affected by this reform?
by Martina Castigliani, sent to Paris
Sources in the Bornean government: “We will not stop the reform”
“We will not put Reformation in breakSources close to the French Prime Minister Elizabeth to bearaccording to BFM-TV On the day of new strikes and national protests in France, thus responding to the request Laurent Bergerleader of France’s first trade union CFDT, is putting a “freeze” on a disputed pension reform that would gradually raise the retirement age from 62 to 64.
“If we had also needed in Spain and Italy, we might not have had a pension at 67”
Jorgea 29-year-old Spanish scientist, taking part in the procession: “I’m here to say that if we don’t think about climate Soon we won’t have a pension to worry about. If we had protested ourselves in Spain And Italy Perhaps we will not have a pension 67 years old And the system will be different.
by Martina Castigliani, sent to Paris
Students in the square with workers: “Here we are against Macron”
The Unified University Faculties Committee in Paris and its suburbs is also participating in the march. “We are here because students and young people in general have to give support them For workers and workers. we are here against Macron And his decision to He denies democracy. We want a different system and now we are also taking to the streets,” he says Simona 23-year-old literature student at the College Paris 1.
by Martina Castigliani, sent to Paris
“Infuriatingly humble analyst. Bacon maven. Proud food specialist. Certified reader. Avid writer. Zombie advocate. Incurable problem solver.”