Friday, March 7, 2025

football. The Liguria Cup of the second category, in “Gambino” the final match is held between Fadino and Atlético Internacional, the story is minute by minute.

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VADINO – International Athletics 0-0

109 ‘Still from the Quarto team flag, Doman puts in the middle where Balbo earns foul and punishment

106′ Last quarter of an hour before any penalty shootout in Gambino, Fadino and Atletico Inter were always 0-0, the correct score as seen on the pitch.

2nd extra time

105 ‘There is no danger to developing the shot from the flag, changing the field and stopping the second overtime

104′ left-handed Acardo seeks crossover, left-handed Scola does not risk and veers for a corner

Free kick 103 from 25 meters in favor of yellow and blue, Guardella sees a handball in a slip of Conforte.

99 & # 39; Ricotta places an attractive ball in the middle, no teammate attacks the goal and the ball ends with a cutout at the bottom. Di Ferrari also plays the Doman card, who has been called up to the bench Gato

98′ At each contrast the start of a brawl is unleashed, nerves are very tense within the green rectangle

96′ Boissy enters Atletico from outside De Vito. Cramps also for Medica

95 more kicks than football, practically no longer played. To report only one result towards the mirror (Morrini at 3′) in the 95th minute of the match played so far, plus a failed Ricotta penalty at the end of the first half.

92 ‘Face to face between Accardo and Prudente, sparks on the field, both players book

91 ‘First overtime starts

1st overtime

Double whistle from the referee, you go to an additional station. In the 90′ ​​it is always 0-0 between VADINO and ATL. international

90′ +1′ too long track lost down below, this chance for Di Ferrari’s men is fading out

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90′ we enter the recovery period, five minutes of overtime. Atletico corner

88′ Campagna finds the right lane for Santanelli, great tackle at Medica end cuts good chance for Vadino

87 ‘Toumao also enters the place of Beaulieu

85 ‘five to ninety, the last hope for both teams to close the final within the rules

84 ‘spasms for several players, feel more and more tired

81′ re-do by Fadino, opening on the right equalizes Santanelli’s shot, his cross shot is toxic, but Toure lets it slide at the bottom

79 & # 39; Milazzo discovers Miserendino, and the two seated ones also begin to think from an additional perspective

73 & # 39; Gatto turns around to the edge of the area and kicks before he can’t find the mirror, lacks clarity at closing time, chances of a goal still slim

69 & # 39; Miserendino on the open field is reassembled by a Genoese defender, good at blocking the way to the orange and black No. 11 who tried to jump on him in dribbling

67 & # 39; Susini for Bergamino, the first change also reaches the yellow and blue lines

66′ Atletico moves the ball well from right to left, Accardo’s cross hits Gato’s head, but his blood is too big

64′ Prudente header is good at clearing his area, then demands a handball from De Ferrari’s team, for Guardella de Chiavari everything is regular

63′ no extra time and penalties in the event of a tie at 90′ and 120′, the balance always prevails in ‘Gambino’

61′ Fadino demands a handball from Medica, which cuts off a potential orange-black opportunity with Ricotta preparing to shoot towards the opponent’s goal after Vanzini’s suggestion in depth, and the referee allows her to continue.

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57′ Giunta enters Santanelli for Ancona place, first change of match

56′ Dangerous to the yellow and blue team with a prolonged action that saw first Santamaría and then Gato shoot in both cases the attentive Fadino defense who managed to avoid surrender

54′ Ricotta was also cautioned after a shot in the face of De Vito, a match that was increasingly angular

50′ The first yellow in the match in Santamaria, he scored the foul against Vanzini

48′ Free kick cut by Beaulieu in a sixteen-meter heart, low exit Toure catches the ball and replays it

46′ We start over!

the other half

The teams are at rest after two minutes of recovery, and the white goals are still between Fadino and Atl. International in the second-tier Liguria Cup final, Ricotta blatant foul from the penalty spot at the end of time

45′ + 1′ Atletico closes ahead, Botazzi hit the right, Giunta’s defense rejected a low cross.

44′ Ricotta goes too far right, the ball is lost straight to the bottom, the penalty kick goes down by a number nine from VADINO. stays on 0-0

43 ‘Penalty for VADINO! Touched hard on the boundary of the small space, a chance of eleven meters in favor of the orange nights

39′ A fourth shot from the flag in favor of Atlético, an attractive trajectory from Giordani and a double header from Gato first and then Medica, there is no danger to Fadino’s goal.

37′ outgoing tower projected Miresendino on foot, freeing himself head-on with the Genoese goalkeeper after a good ball on the ground in orange and black.

34′ Fragmented with many fouls plus a good dose of technical fouls, the tension is felt from side to side

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26′ stage of the match Without particular ideas, the yellow and blue formation continues to run the ball, which lacks the flash from the trocar upwards to try to create a serious concern on the opponent’s goal.

21′ More possession by Di Ferrari’s team, Vadino more in center defense and ready for a throw-in

14′ free kick from twenty-five meters assigned to left-handed Accardo, wrapping up a Scola-controlled phone call

12 good public places in Gambino: choirs, flags and smoke bombs for both teams

10′ Fadino is now seen forward, runs deep to look for Ancona, first assistant sees but offside position for orange-black number seven.

9′ Another corner kick was taken by Atletico with a header from De Vito who lost high over the bar. Genova Quarto’s composition is bolder in these early stages

5′ When developing the shot from the flag also comes the violent blow from the edge thrown by Santamaria, Vadino’s defense is saved and the side foul is rejected

4′ dangerous on a Genoese with a skew under Moreni’s measure on Giordani’s cross from the right, a shot from an attentive Scola who raised a corner kick.

1 ‘Let’s go!

first half


VADINO: Scola, Campagna, Balbo, Licata, Prudente, Figoreto, Ancona, Fanzini, Ricotta, Beaulieu, Misrendino

Available: Pastorino, Seghizzi, Coppola, Bonsignorio, Tomao, Milazzo, Conforti, Berra, Santanelli

Coach: Gionta

ATL. international: Torre, Potazzi, Esposito, Medica, De Vito, Bergamino, Giordani, Moreni, Gatto, Santamaria, Accardo

Available: Sammito, Susini, Boasi, Duman, Ganci, Garassini, Garrone, Musicò, Valenza

Coach: de Ferrari

Thalia Twitty
Thalia Twitty
"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."
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