One of the fires that happened in “De Vincenzi”: Stone e Varatsi They split the stakes after a lively game, with the locals reaching the required level thanks to the 2000 . class network Darkangelo.
One Goal which doesn’t make the pianocelestes completely satisfied, but still brings them very close to the contenders for hem
Mr Mario Pisano couldn’t first half she has: “We were nervous from the moment we conceded a goal from Severi, who was very good at putting him in the corner but we made a mistake in the beginning: this team couldn’t take it. We kept playing with impatience, not with the right laps, and we combined it into a penalty for the second goal. They were very good at getting us in trouble, but what didn’t happen was the initial situation, especially after the first goal, that we shouldn’t get into trouble that way.”
But one thing made it happy: “Second-half spirit: we were exceptional and got what we deserved, playing the field with the right behaviour. You don’t win with possession, of course, but the statistics in hand we’ll have 80% as good as they are in our favour. We’ve moved well, especially In the last 15 minutes, and it was complicated even with 10”.
Input Alfa was crucial: “Niccol got it great. Honestly, I was a little scared because at the beginning of the week he was not very good physically, but today he completely changed the face of the game: goals, dribbles and a great ball for a goal equal to D’Arcangelo, who deserves this moment because he is a serious man who always accepts options and works well. Good “.
the Annual balance From the Andorran technician as follows: “2021 is strange and difficult. There was a resumption of that fake tournament, which was organized in April only to announce the winner who could go to the second division (in the end there was the strongest). We presented ourselves in pieces, in a position befitting the championship. Since that The moment we started again, with a company that has evolved a lot in every department. The new season started with ups and downs, full of absences due to injuries and work problems that didn’t allow us to put together a truly competitive team. We never went wrong with our performance, not even in the defeats to Finale and Genova Calcio. Where the funeral really looked, proving what we made it: We did it again today, and we’re going to draw against a very good team. A team to close every space. So the 2021 relaunch, waiting for 2022 was huge.”
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