by Simone Guandalini
Medula – Already great aspirations have partially turned into reality in the past year with Promotion from the third category to the second After winning the play-offs and after an exciting confrontation with Virtus Mandreu that lasted all season, and a more complicated start to the season than expected. These are the reasons why Medullawhich is currently running seventh place, Tied on points (18) with the carbine, the Group F of the second categoryTo change the coach: Mr. Lubyin fact, has been replaced in recent weeks by The new technician is Luigi Perotta, with various experiences behind him in the amateur championship between Reggio and Modena: in particular, in recent seasons, on the benches of Novellara (three years in the second category interrupted by Covid), United Carpi (promotion to the second category) and Carpine, having started at level Youngsters in the tournaments of Giovanissimi, Allievi and Juniores and having passed at the beginning of his career also through experiences on the benches of Roveritana, Virtus Sepino (promotion to the first category), Novese, Capassi Union Carpi and Virtus Mandreu. In low light of the Modena derby against Mirandolese, we have it Interview with Mr. Luigi Perotta:
How did you find the team in those early working days?
“Since my arrival on the bench of Medola we have played two matches: in the cup against Ves San Prospero (2-0 defeat) and in the league against Barcelona Beach (2-1 victory). So far I have directed a few courses, but I can say that I have found a very ambitious environment, as there is a desire to move up in this category. In addition to the economic aspect, one immediately notices how President Levati gives his heart to this team. I have found some very helpful guys, who work very intensely. I congratulate the colleague who preceded me, because I found a team that is in a very good position financially. Tactically, I chose to keep the formation the team was using, which is 4-3-3. I wanted to tiptoe in: however, I began to make some small variations on the subject, at any rate related to this unit, which at the moment best matches the characteristics of the players I have available.
In the tournament, Medula’s departure may have been more difficult than expected. Does the goal remain in first place, currently occupied by Ves San Prospero and Fortitudo Modena, which is now 8 points behind?
“We’ve had a really important repair campaign: Guidetti, Quetadamo and Franco have arrived and we’re recovering from other key players who have been injured. We’re definitely working with the aim of recovering from the top positions. I think we have to go step by step: the first should be to get back into the play-off zone, then With so many matches still going on, anything can happen.”
Speaking of the playoff zone, today (Sunday December 4) the Bassa Modena zone derby is scheduled to take place against Mirandolezzi, another very ambitious formation that is one place and one point ahead of you in the standings. How did you prepare for the match?
“Derbys are matches that do not have an expected result at the start: they are not always good matches from a technical point of view, because sometimes the competitive spirit prevails. We prepared the match with great calmness: I reminded the boys that we were preparing for a particular match (for Medolesi and Mirandolezzi, it could be said that it is the match of the year), But she must be prepared with determination and calm, two aspects which for me cannot be divided.Determination without calmness is an end in itself, and vice versa, of course.The adrenaline will come into its own: the managers, in a timid manner, make it plain, but it is still a game of football, As always, there are three points to win. We will try to bring home the full score: I try to convey to the team the idea of always playing the match with balance against any opponent.”
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