Acqui Terme – S.Marengo. At 26′ St. Gallo saved a penalty from Boscaro
They split the mail Atletico equi for sale At the end of the game that was never boring: the two newly promoted players from the second category continue the “personal challenge” also in the tournament
Superior. Ten minutes pass and Sale strikes immediately: a foul between S. Marengo and Lovisolo, Boscaro is the quickest and gives Rizzi the relief ball to make it 0-1. However, the advantage does not last long, because after two minutes the score is already evenly matched again: a launch for Barron – his performance in his debut with the new
jersey – sees the attacker play the last play from the box for Morbili Aim and cool seamless.
Atlético believed it and ten minutes later completed the comeback: a penetrating action in the Capese area, once again Baron acting as a banker for Daga who could not miss the target from the edge of the small area and carry his team. Sale accuses the strike but starts grinding the game again and at the beginning of the second half finds the equalizer: the ball changes from its side with a series of passes, puts Vera in the middle as Rizzi splits from close range and anticipates everyone and makes 2-2. In the 24th minute the episode that could change the game: a miracle by Gallo on head shot By Simone Repetto, then Gilardi scores the same 7 in the area and for the referee it’s a penalty kick. The expert Boscaro appears from the penalty spot but Gallo outdoes himself again and runs back: it is the last emotion of the match, but the shuddering spectators can only be satisfied.
Signs: pt 10′ Rizzi, 12′ Morbelli, 22′ Daja; u 8 ‘rzi
Aqua Athletic (4-4-2): Rooster 7.5; Capizzi 6, Gilardi 5.5, Lovisolo 5.5, San Marengo 5.5; Reggio 6 (46′ st Zunino sv), Anania 6, Nobile 6, Daja 6.5 (14′ st Vela 6); Morbelli 6.5 (23′ st Foglino 6), Barone 7 (31′ st Merlo sv). Available: Tobia, A.Marengo, Aresca, Spina. Coach: Parodi Boveri
Salt (3-5-2): soft 6; Ferrari 6, Peluso 7, Posetti 6 (44′ Mangiarotti 6); Castini 6 (18 ‘st Sa. Repetto 6), Vera
6.5 (42′ st Haxhia sv), Zhuri 6, Laghane 6 (38′ st Assolini sv), Si. Repetto 6.5; Rizzi 6.5 (32’st Cirillo sv),
Boscaro 5.5.4 Update Available: Rigetti, Legato, Zito and Mocha. All: Pastorino
Rule: Ayurfida of Collegno 6
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