The official request for the March 11 production company, requesting to be able to return to the island to finish filming the Civil Protection series starring Ambra Angiolini, has reached the offices of Mayor Lipari. but residents Stromboli They did not welcome the idea of the crew and actors returning to the island and the mayor called on the producers to change their stance.
For islanders, the production is responsible not only for the fire that destroyed half of the island’s vegetation last May, but also for the damage caused by the floods two weeks ago. According to experts, in fact, the fire had serious consequences for the land and the mudslide that invaded the city of Stromboli during the last period. Floodwill be a direct result of the fire.
It is clear that the arrival of the March 11 request to be able to continue filming on the island has created a state of indignation among the islanders. “An official order has arrived today, we will evaluate it. But someone needs to put the concrete will to solve the problem”, stated Ricardo Golo, the new mayor of Lipari, who with his fellow citizens of Stromboli is evaluating the answer to be given to a production house imagination.
Last May, when half the island was destroyed by fire, it was not Jolo who was to blame, but in the past two months he has dealt with the incident and found some shortcomings on the part of March 11, which will not play in favor of the return of the actors of Stromboli. “The administration at that time appointed a lawyer – The mayor saidcome on – to file a complaint. During this time I was offended by the fact that some fictional productions were seen behaviors. For example, the details of the insurance policy were not even disclosed“.
However, the production company requests the novel to be able to finish resumeBut Glo does not move without the consent of the citizens. Stromboli residents won’t be happy about the band’s return, but the official answer has yet to arrive. “always be calm – Conclude Jolo – Yes or no. The problem should be seen in the terms of the negotiation: If you change your behavior, it becomes easier to evaluate. History must be reconstructed with all its implications. I’m not enthusiastic about one of the other solutions: as an admin I feel convinced or not and I issue measures“.
It seems that the message has arrived since she returned to the island in recent days Ambra Angiolini With some directors of the production company. But the visit was purely sympathetic. In fact, the actress rolled up her sleeves and helped some families who live in Pesquita, one of the areas hardest hit by the floods, to shovel mud from their homes.
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