Thursday, March 6, 2025

Finland is on the right, Sweden is sending Prime Minister Sanna Marin home –

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to Irene Soave

The centre-right, the Sovereigns and the Social Democrats are divided by a few decimal places: no one can rule alone. Petteri Orbo (center right): It is up to us to lead the consultations

From our correspondent
Helsinki – cMusic, but no one dances. Staring into space, the bartender promises specially charged cocktails; while waiting for Sanna Marín to arrive to ritually give thanks to the base, Yle State TV passes on the screens and the Social Democratic campaigners also have to see Rika Pura’s blond bob rejoicing: We are a great alternative to the old system.


one of them blurs, in Finnish that sounds like Emilian.

black mood inHotel Presidentti, a Soviet tower block built for the 1980 Moscow Olympics, as the Social Democrats of outgoing Prime Minister Sanna Marin finished campaigning before midnight knowing that the Finns, at the polls, had landed them in an uncomfortable third place. 19.9% ​​of the vote, 43 deputies.

On the other hand, people really dance and laugh at the Apollo Club and in the trendy Puta, completely new spaces for events, where Finns, Nationalists, Sovereigns and the National Coalition Party Petteri Urbo celebrate, respectively. He has 20.8% of the vote and 48 seats in Parliament. Based on this outcome, talks will be launched on forming a new government in Finland under the leadership of the National Coalition Party, and it has shown gloating at the ending count. Sovereign Rika Bera, with 20.1% of the vote and 46 seats, is a candidate to become her number one ally, pushing Marín into opposition.

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The outgoing prime minister, who repeated throughout the evening that she had a good feeling, then conceded victory to the centre-right and said she was ready for a coalition. My party has the support, so I’m happy as a leader. Another relief, which is silent: its favourites, 34,500, put it second (after Riikka Purra) in the ranking of most voted. Orpo not even on the platform; However he will give the cards.

The first notes of analysts and commentators seem to indicate that A Stockholm model. In September, the Swedish Democrats, the heir to the neo-Nazi sovereign formation, pulled the government out of the hands of the Social Democrat Magdalena Andersson, forming a coalition government with the moderates. Added to this is a Finnish political tradition: it only happened twice Opinion polls confirmed the prime minister.

Now the consultations begin. Officially, the prime minister-designate will have to start it on April 17; However, as of tonight, the Sherpas are working frantically. The question everyone is asking: Which of the two opponents would Peteri Urbu want to ally with in order to reach a total of at least 101 seats in parliament, which is necessary to govern?

Already from the first data after the results, however, Orpo seemed to lean to the other side. There are no far-right parties in Finland, for example, he responded to a journalist who asked him if the country’s image would be tarnished by an alliance with the Finns. The underlying assumption is Finland’s correction. Starting with its economy. The theme Orpo revolves around is Marin, the guardian of the silly Scandinavian-style social status.

It’s not up to me to decide who I can join with, Riikka Purra protested last night at the latest press roundtable. The barb was directed at Marin, who instead ruled out a prior alliance with royalty. The consultations are like a TV debate scene that defined the entire election campaign: Purra and Marin yelling at each other, Orpo watching them briskly in the background, sure he’s going to win.

April 3, 2023 (changed on April 3, 2023 | 07:30)

Ike Walton
Ike Walton
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