Saturday, March 15, 2025

Expensive Bills: Double Extras for Coffee and Bread

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As expected, the expensive bill falls on consumer prices for staples, bread, pasta and a cup at the bar. Double-digit increments, in some cases, cause the general index set by Istat to reach new highs. And with the general increase in prices, the debt of Italian families also rises: on December 31, 2021, according to Cgia di Mestre, it totaled 574.8 billion euros (+21.9 billion compared to the previous year) with the average amount per family being 22,237 euros and a positive difference. of €851 compared to 2020. According to the CGIA, this is a “dangerous situation” especially because of the “risk of usury” for families, small businesses and VAT figures.
The situation bothers consumer associations. Codacons reports that, according to the latest official data from Mise, the standard price for espresso has been reached in Bolzano, where the cost of coffee consumed at the bar is on average 1.23 euros. In second place in the ranking, with an average of 1.20 euros, are Rovigo and Ravenna. It is followed by Vicenza, Trento and Ferrara at 1.19 euros. As many as 25 cities in our country have an average coffee price of 1.10 euros. Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Piedmont and Friuli are among the Italian regions where prices are significantly higher. On the other hand, in southern Italy, the price lists recorded are lower, and in many cities, less than 1 euro per cup. Prices, according to Codacons, have risen after sharp increases in electricity and gas bills.
While Istat recorded an annual inflation of the “restaurants and bars” sector of + 3.8% in March, in a comparison between the pre-inflation in bills (September 2021) and February 2022, it turns out that the increase is the highest for general menu prices recorded in Pescara, where the average price of Espresso at the bar from 1 € to 1.12 €, an increase of + 12%. It is followed by Alexandria (+ 11.3%, from 1.06 to 1.18 euros) and Ravenna (+ 9%, from 1.10 to 1.20 euros).
Instead, Assoutenti reported double-digit increases in bread and pasta inviting all associations to join a general assembly called for next April 6 and aiming to present a package of measures to the government against price hikes.
Istat – explains the association – recorded in March an increase in bread prices of 5.8% and 13% for pasta, but if we analyze the average price lists for various Italian provinces published by Mise, it turns out that for bread, the city that recorded the highest increases in the past month is Terni, where average prices increased by +9.9% compared to the previous month, from €2.22 per kg to €2.44 – Assoutenti Analytics – Not far we find Cremona, with retail increases of 8.4% month-on-month, while in third place among cities Where bread is more expensive is Piazza Padova (+6%).
The situation is getting worse on the pasta front, and Calabria wins the black jersey to increase prices: in Catanzaro, the price of a kilo rises from 1.22 euros to 1.41 euros on average in just one month, up +15, 6%. In Reggio Calabria there is an increase of +13%, similar to Cosenza (+ 12.5%).

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Wynne Dinwiddie
Wynne Dinwiddie
"Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst."
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