“Help me stay with you.” With today’s prayer, we ask the Holy Trinity to grant us this grace.
May the Holy Trinity always be praised, served and honored by all creatures in Jesus Christ our Lord. Trustworthy.
Let us turn to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to ask for grace for all that we have accepted and done on this day that is drawing to a close.
Let us raise this simple prayer so that the night that opens before us may pass in peace and comfort In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Trustworthy.
Lord Jesus Christ, you love me as the Father loves you with eternal love. do it tonight stay in love with youThat love that made you forget yourself, become a servant and obey death on the cross. Arrange for my soul to be compatible with yours, so that I can love others as you have loved me and continue to love me, now and forever. Trustworthy.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Trustworthy.
The video with the sound of the evening prayer
More prayers to end the day well
Tonight, at the end of the day, let us remember our family and loved ones. Let’s do it with a little meditation, spontaneous thought or with else A prayer we say before bed.
Visit our house, dad And stay away from the enemy’s traps. Holy angels come to keep us in peace, and may your blessings always be with us. Trustworthy.
I confess to Almighty God and to you, brothers and sisters, that I have erred so much in thoughts, words, and deeds, and neglect, by my own fault, my fault, my fault so great. And I beg the ever-blessed Virgin Mary, the angels, the saints, my brothers and sisters, to pray to the Lord our God for me. Trustworthy.
Father, peace and glory
In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen
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