He found outAmerica And now points out Canada. Or maybe it is Fly fishermen Americans invented pure breeding Eros Tomasi This, after creating a great figure Fly Tying SymposiumAn annual event in New York, I’d like to give an encore nowAtlantic Salmon Fly International, an event is planned for September 13 to 15 next year in Calgary. The venture does not come cheap, as both nominations traditionally attract top lure manufacturers from Europe, the US and Canada.
But Eros, 50 years old, Electrician by profession, a creator and producer of lures by profession, has already demonstrated his skills in a highly selective environment, participating in last year’s Fly Tying Symposium. These gatherings are attended only by guests, the “Imbugati”, even if they come from a distance, are not allowed for any reason.
Now Eros is doubled: in the sense that he is officially invitedAtlantic Salmon Fly 2024A Travel Bicentennial Event: It will take place in 2026 Italy. “I sent my curriculum – he explains – and photos of some of my works. They liked it and I was invited. I will also go in 2024. Calgary. Satisfaction is maximum.”
About a hundred builders participated in the New York meeting. Only 80 will participate in Calgary. A New York Breeding “moschista” from Monza They are watched and rated live by locals from all over the world. In the end, they passed the tough exams with high marks. A Beautiful Contentment For Eros, a member of Fly Monza for 25 years, he specializes in one important field: indeed, he successfully reproduces Victorian-era charms.
The activity begins with documents: thanks to Eros Tomasi Books and Prints, but also through the Internet, find the most interesting thing to reproduce. Then the hunt for the most suitable materials begins to make a perfect bait, in terms of shape and color capable of convincing even the most suspicious trout and especially wary salmon.
held by Eros He started fishing With bass technique. But after trying to catch fish, he never looked back. And because the President’s Fly is in Monza Maurice Carberry He finds people who can provide the right advice for catching dream prey and crafting record-breaking lures. They are a group of fly fishing enthusiasts with their “base camp” via Correggio.
Now he has friends all over the world and communicates with them through Facebook. “Thus – notes Eros – there are possibilities and certain hints for the exchange of goods: You never stop learning here“. Precisely: Eros, dreaming of Canada, meanwhile, stopped in Verona at the Italian fly-tying show. Here, too, his one-of-a-kind pieces won applause not only among locals, but also among simple enthusiasts. Curious.
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