Science and faith. Trust and affinity. Few remember it The Big Bang Theory Invented by a Belgian Jesuit Georges Edouard Lemaitre. The religious never used this expression which was instead coined by the scholars who ridiculed him for this intuition which instead proved to be correct. And still today One of the most approved methods for studying the universe. Paul VI in the Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii nuntiandi” explained the meaning of the evangelization of the Church. And’ Bring good news in all layers of humanity. He, by his influence, “Transformation from within, making humanity new itselfThis is true for all cultures. The dimensions of humanity in search of salvation must be sought in all directions. With Creativity and Imagination. It must express itself “in appropriate languages in all areas and The spaces in which humanity experiences its painHis joys, his hopes.One night in 1572, a Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe He saw a light that looked like a very bright new star in a constellation Cassiopeia. In 1604 a second supernova appeared in the sky. These discoveries have been made Serious question Scientists have a theory Tulumeo. Accordingly, all stars are contained in a fixed field of the universe. In the diversity of cultures, he points out Pope Francesco, “in a Differentiate in time and placeOne can and should always seek and find the way to reach God and meet with Christ.” Science and faith are not opposites. They are in fact allies to protect the common good. Starts from Lemaitre and from The relationship between science and faith, one of the teachings of Father Maurizio Botta who opened the book “This Christian Fool” (San Paulo Editions). “There is no reason for it to exist The competition between reason and faith. one in the other. Each has its own space of perception,” as John Paul II wrote inthe post “Faith and Reason”
Father Botta is also tracking Galileo ‘case’ And his condemnation, which was said a lot. 20% of children are convinced that Galileo was burned alive. While 80% were tortured. Instead, he continued to reside in magnificent villas – as Father Botha asserts – and was forced to recite only once a week. Psalms of repentance“The Five Steps to Mystery” is one Christian education course For young people and adults that have been taking place for ten years in the parish of Santa Maria in Valicilla, Los Angeles The new church from Rome. The meetings are presided over by Don Maurizio Botta, priest of the Chapel of San Filippo Neri. with Accurate and effective style. Hence it is the chapel youth themselves who introduce the topics to think about, which are the “hot” ones. Often those who They keep people away from the faith.
Father Maurizio Botta addresses a series of topics that undermine some of the common, often superficial places in our culture. Especially, The link between science and faith. The question of freedom and its limits. educational question. The concluding chapter invites the reader to Resume in your hands And in the heart is the connection with the Holy Spirit. The person of the Trinity who often tends to Leave it in the background. “The Bible does not tell us how the sky is going but How do you go to heaven?“, Galileo Galilei teaches. According to the Second Vatican Council, science and faith understand, each in their own way, One side of the same truth. That is why it offers the possibility of fully understanding creation. Science helps to understand how. and faith answer why.
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