In 2021, Covid-19 remains the main topic in the Italian media, at the expense of the environment and conflicts
The environment is only at the fore with catastrophic weather events in Europe and Italy
[17 Dicembre 2021]
Today, the Eco Media 2021 report was presented by the Pentapolis Institute ETS, in scientific collaboration with the Institute for Journalism Training in Urbino. On news coverage of environment and sustainable development by Italian media Massimiliano Pontio, President of the Pentapolis Group, explains that “from the Eco Media 2021 report, it is clear that the information related to the environment and the critical issues that it poses for the future of the planet and humanity, unfortunately, is still leaning To have a somewhat marginal role.compared to 10 years ago it has definitely grown in quantitative terms but green still tends to be dazzling and not seen through its strong association with the production system.It is essential to have for sustainability issues A wider, clearer, and more stable area can fuel a general benign simulated circuit and not only be confined to emergencies, weather, and natural disasters.”
From a methodological point of view, 12 keywords have been identified, 10 of which relate to the field of ecology in general, while two relate to epidemic in the strict sense of the word. To analyze the news, we proceeded instead by noting the keywords, and the analysis in which sector they were found (politics, economics, health, culture, entertainment, sports).
Among the Echo Media 2021 news reports, «El TG5 It is what has shown a continuous and systematic interest in environmental issues, while TG3 More interest in the topic during the summer and for Sky Tg24 Environmental rhymes with economy and sustainable mobility. Tg1 e Tg2000 Corona virus monopolized it, while Tg from La7 It devotes a large portion of its information space to the topic of Covid, with a particular focus on vaccines, and addressing the environmental issue from a European perspective.”
For the web, environmental issues are almost always present Republic, but less than that of a pandemic; the Corriere della Sera DrAdjusts a lot of room for the economy related to Covid, as well The sun is 24 hours. Il Fatto Quotidiano, Rest Del Carlino and Tpi They focus on vaccines, while ne Newspaper Environmental coverage is almost completely absent. And when he writes about it, we add that he almost always does so to downplay the importance of scientific research and to debunk negative theories about climate.
In the radio papers RTL Ray Radio 1, The word vaccines are most present. Environmental issues never have a part of their own, as do domestic or foreign politics or sports, and of the three given events, only environment keywords were mentioned on 3 other occasions, for a total of 6 days out of 16 (just over quarter).
The Eco Media 2021 report highlights that “the NRR and the appointment of a Ministry for Environmental Transformation have not drawn the attention that was expected to the issue of climate change and the environment. Even on social media, newspapers are choosing to focus on Covid and vaccines, and the environmental issue is almost completely absent.”
The 2021 report also decided to analyze the social profiles – Instagram, Facebook and Twitter – of the newspapers under investigation and showed that “In general, those that talk more about climate, environment and pollution on social media are Corriere della Sera (with 22 times), Happening every day (with 21), while they deal with it less Newspaper (with only two repetitions), the The rest of Carlino e Tpi (Both with three). in the middle is the only 24 hours (with 18 times) e Republic (with 17).
This year, the Journalists for Sustainability Award, in its eighth edition, went to: Marco Frittella (TV category); Emmanuel Bombin (printed paper category); Marica de Berry (web category); Laura Petini (radio class).
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