Two voyages totaling eight months, covering 60,000 km under the living sky. Travel Documentary Pino Lovo told.
The next event to spread the culture of travel will be organized by Kanto’s Adventure Corner on May 19. A journey through two great North American countries: Canada and Alaska, thanks to the documentary created Pino Lovo It will tell about these lands full of natural wonders, vibrant metropolises and an extraordinary culture.
Discover Canada and Alaska with Kanto and Pino Lovo’s Adventure Corner
A fascinating Canada with villages steeped in history and the pulsating metropolises of Montreal and Toronto. A land of so much nature, big lakes, extraordinary culture of indigenous people, under a looming sky, great banks of clouds flow. After all, in the farthest corner of the continent, another enchanting land: Alaska, wonderful and remote, attracts travelers in a continuous search for the last horizon. Two trips for a total of eight months, covering 60,000 km.
Admission is free for the evening, but reservations are still recommended In connection Dedicated to Also, all friends of the Cantù Corner are advised that Teatro San Teodoro has the opportunity to attend prose performances at low prices. Tell the theater box office or report to our email.
Pino Lovo
A great country, Canada, overlooks two oceans. The East with its villages, history and pulsating metropolises: Montreal, Toronto. West, still a teenager, all nature and desire to grow, one eye on Asia and an extraordinary cultural legacy of the indigenous people. In the middle, an endless plain, bathed by great lakes, under a looming sky, on which flow enormous clouds. Crossing the American continent twice at northern latitudes is still an adventure and a challenge today, and Pino Lovo has never shied away, determined to find beauty wherever it may be, whether it is a human face. The medieval lights of the Aurora Borealis. Above all, in the farthest corner of the continent, an enchanting land, Alaska, wonderful and remote, attracts travelers who are constantly searching for the last horizon. Two journeys totaling eight months, 60,000 km, under the cover of the living sky.