Friday, March 7, 2025

Covid, the infection returns to the provinces

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The curve of the percentage of positives in the molecular test for Covid-19 returns to the national and provincial levels, in 95 out of 107 there is an increased incidence: analysis by mathematician Giovanni Sebastiani, of the Institute for Applications of Calculus M. Picone, of the National Research Council ( Cnr). “Weekly variance analysis shows that the percentage of molecular test positives nationwide is increasing,” the expert notes.

“In the smallest detail, at the provincial level, the same type of analysis reveals the incidence of total positives that there are 95 Italian provinces out of 107 where we are in the growth stage, which is a preliminary for 89 provinces.
Of these 95 provinces, the remaining six provinces were not in the initial stage and the infection rate increased in the past seven days by at least 50% compared to the previous seven days,” adds Sebastiani, referring to the provinces of Potenza, Catanzaro, Reggio Calabria, Vibo Valentia, Nuoro and Enna. .

Additionally, of the 107 counties, the remaining 12 counties with no growth detected are “in or close to stagnation.”

Here is the list of the 95 counties involved and their incidence in the past seven days (number of positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants):

Over 700: Crotone (730), Catanzaro (700)
more than 600 : Vibo Valentia (620), Pescara (610)
Over 500: Belluno (520), Teramo (510)
Over 400: Rovigo (490), Reggio Calabria, Ascoli Piceno, Macerata and Udine (480), Vicenza and Kiti (470), Cosenza (460), Padova (450), L’Aquila, Avellino, Benevento and Lecce (440), Gorizia, Trieste Verona (430), Venice (420), Fermo (410), La Spezia, Treviso and Campobasso (400)
Over 300: Trento, Terni, Ancona and Isernia (390), Potenza and Messina (380), Salerno and Frosinone (370), Pordenone (360), Mantua, Massa Carrara and Nuoro (340), Cagliari (330), Bolzano, Pesaro and Urbino, Cremona, Grosseto, Inna and Latina (310), Agrigento, Syracuse, Trapani and Caltanissetta (300)
Over 200: Alessandria, Sassari, Lucca, Taranto and Brindisi (290), Matera, Southern Sardinia and Genoa (280), Livorno (270), Caserta, Sondrio and Brescia (260), Modena, Ragusa and Reti (250), Lodi (240). Aosta, Pavia, Pisa and Foggia (230), Bologna, Novara, Vercelli, Asti, Catania and Bari (220), Turin, Biella, Cuneo, Como and Palermo (210), Bergamo, Arezzo, Rome and Viterbo (200)
More than 100: Varese, Verbano-Cossio-Osola, Monza and Brianza, Siena (190), Pistoia and Naples (180), Milan (170), Prato (160), Lecco and Florence (150).

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Wynne Dinwiddie
Wynne Dinwiddie
"Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst."
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