We’re not doing well…after getting back to breath (literally), winter brought us back to a covid nightmare. Despite all the precautions, Covid does not give us a respite, on the contrary, it undermines the few certainties that we painstakingly regained. Just go from glamor to enjoying a festive stadium at Inter Schalkhtar to see Bayern Munich – Barcelona without fans. Hard to accept, hard to understand, mentally unsustainable. Football, again, carries great risks. If a second stop comes, I really think the trader will jump… No one can go back to bad times, neither economically nor psychologically. However, the danger is real. The “Salernitana Affair” is a wake-up call. Covid, with arrogance, is back in football (and not just, ask Olympia and the NBA for confirmation). The Premier League decided to continue, explaining that they wanted to try to live with a problematic situation. In any case, there are many, many black clouds over football. Once again, we are helpless and can only hope that everything goes in the right direction… From this point of view, the winter break (which has been much criticized) is a blessing. Pausing so Befana can help will definitely take some stress off everything and everyone. The real problem is not in the near future but in the future. Being at the mercy of an enemy that always seems to have an advantage over everyone destabilizes the system. Football is pure fun, unbridled passion, sharing the moment… If these ingredients are missing, it is nothing more than a group of people chasing the ball.
I suffer when I think of what could happen. I don’t want to find myself, having to do my job on the field, surrounded by something. I have no intention of going back to my “field immersion” (excuse me Fabio Carissa). The first time we were surprised and adapted, it will now be difficult to find a new reason to “close the pitches”…
Fortunately there is VAR (a satirical joke). I will always be on the side of applying technology to football, but it is clear that sometimes we are a little busy for the moment. Lots of mistakes or, better yet, lots of situations are inevitable with the inevitable controversy. Also in this case, I press the same button: VAR is from the 2017/18 season. In short, it already has its own history but I don’t think a way has been found to make the most of it… holiday break, help us…
I conclude with the issue of the African Nations Cup. I’ve been following this tournament for years and I’ve always wondered how I managed to rise to the stage during the current season…until the big clubs had so many commitments and, above all, so many African champions in the squad, the Africa Cup was seen as An opportunity to discover new talent. Now it’s the tournament that “steals the champions from the clubs”. Perhaps it would have sufficed to intervene when we could, perhaps to suggest different dates… It saddens me to think that someone is hoping that Covid will blow up the demonstration. I would say that Covi has already done a lot of damage, and I will try to avoid invoking it … holiday break, help us …