can loss of sense of smell with the Corona virus diseaseespecially in cases where was persistentinvolving a strong risk From Cognitive problems And the memory In the Subsequent period for infection? Apparently The answer is yes.
study just introduced Conference subordinate Alzheimer’s Association Internationalto me San Diegoin Californiaclaims to have facedInability to distinguish odorsmay include persistent cognitive deficitsalso after several months of healing.
always second I studythe danger of memory deficit Maybe more than double If smell problems persist.
Search done by Gabriela Gonzalez AlemanFromPontifical University of Buenos Aires and share Approximately 800 people from around sixty yearswithout Cognitive problems found before injury. From the data it was found that regardless of Injury severityAnd the thirds of sample You have memory problems perseverance and that half of the sample Find difficulty that interfere with Everyday life.
there Search He indicated that completely independently Symptoms and severity of infection, ThreadsI am accused loss of sense of smellare the results more than double Among those at risk of infection Cognitive and memory disordersalso after three months of healing.
data to me experts That would prove the truth of it Corona virus involves brain damage. a proven theory also in laboratory experimentswhich was conducted by Chiara ZorzuluFromPasteur Institute, France. From the analysis, it turns out virus Able to create gods nanothrough which It can be transmitted from olfactory cells to neurons.
Results of studies show on Science Advances Magazine.
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