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Conversations between science and an aperitif • Terzo Binario News

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will be held Thursday 23 June It’s 18.30in the Limonaia Garden in Villa Torlonia, the second meeting of Scientific aperitif organized by TechnottownL’Creative Science Hub Department of School, Training and Work at Roma Capitalwith the organization and scientific care of Zètema Culture Project.

The meeting was entitledThe Extended Family of Homo sapiens: Who’s Hiding in Our Genes?‘It will be a friendly conversation, with an aperitif, with a scholar Flavia Risi from Sapienza University in Rome. We will discuss these scientific issues and the world of research. Subscription is free.

evolutionary history sane man It has always been a controversial topic as much as it is fascinating, and only recently has the complexity of the relationships and connections that arose during its spread been brought to light: in the slowly forming picture, what was once thought of as a tree has become more and more of a bush, ie less forked and made up of multiple relationships directione.

The turning point came with the advent of ancient DNA, that is, from the moment those same fossils that told us a story through the diversity of their morphology revealed new (often unexpected) pieces of the same story thanks to what we succeed in reading what their DNA has been preserved Not without limits and difficulties. Certainly one of the most remarkable and extraordinary discoveries is the one related to the relationship with neanderthalwhich has always been a difficult challenge for anthropologists, certainly because of its evolutionary history, but above all in connection with his position in this complex framework and his “relationship” with sapiens.

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It was precisely the study of DNA that allowed us to understand that these mysterious men left a clear and lasting trace in our genome; And they are not alone: ​​only in recent years, after the most famous of them Europeans, an “Asian cousin” has also appeared on the scene and it seems that we met him only in passing.

Since he left Africa, interesting things have happened before sane man She remained the only one in the family, alone in the whole world.

Scientific aperitif These are informal meetings run by young researchers, and open to anyone wishing to engage in an interesting conversation in the company about the current research. They will be housed in the indoor garden of La Limonaia, a refreshment point in Technotown.

A full calendar of upcoming events and ongoing initiatives will be available online at

Posted on Wednesday June 22, 2022 @ 15:30:31 © Reproduction reserved

Wynne Dinwiddie
Wynne Dinwiddie
"Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst."
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