ReGiS – Historic Gardens Network, whose operational headquarters are located in Villa Ghirlanda Selva, is among the project partners selected and funded by the Ministry of University and Research.Live Science. Botanical Gardens and Gardens of Delight. Ancient knowledge and new practices for the dissemination of scientific culture. The project will be presented Sunday May 22On the occasion of Villa Ghirlanda Garden Day at 2:30 pm in the Mirror Hall.
There will be initiatives aimed at bringing the ReGiS Gardens back into a role Featured places for psychophysical well-being and scientific publishingThanks to the cooperation with Ats and the support of professionals and specialized staff. The educational activities will be inclusive experiences targeting everyone, with special attention to new generations, schools and families.
It will also create a file smart archive Starting with preliminary investigation, research and study activity. The platform will collect archives and found documents to make their use open at different levels of study: from the scientific community to schools, from museums to institutions and citizens. Historic botanical catalogs, treatises on garden art, maps, botanical collections and drawings, herbariums, and biographies of heroes who have linked their name to the history of gardens and park – sensitive and often hard-to-find documents – will be reorganized and made available to sector operators, thus broadening participation and enhancing their important historical and cultural value.
“Hosting a reality like ReGiS is always a reason to be proud of the human resources and scientific skills that drive it and that bring great value to the region. “Scienza Viva” will be combined with other projects to enhance the heritage of our villa and its cohesive role in the city community, such as the redevelopment of the garden and the new multi-purpose lawn of the former cinema area”, Daniela Maggi, Cinciello Balsamo’s Culture Adviser.
On May 22, Villa Ghirlanda Garden Day opens at 11 with the theatrical visit in period costume “I Conte Silva Tell Each Other” (Reservations: https://bit.ly/icontisilvasiraccontano) and continues at 3.30pm in a new guided tour format that allows you to explore the park using wireless headphones, by Musicamorfosi. Finally, at 5 pm in the Hall of Mirrors, the results of the cleaning and restoration intervention carried out on some of the sculptural furnishings of the villa by the Enaip Lombardia School of Restoration Botticino, will be presented, with interventions by: Francesca Amati – Instructor of the restoration of the Botticino School of Enaip; Matteo Castagna – a graduate student at the Enaibe School in Botticino; Paola Strada – Historical Officer for the Artistic Control of Monuments, Fine Arts and Landscapes in Metropolitan Milan.