Tuesday, March 18, 2025

China: “The United States is changing course on Taiwan or the confrontation will turn into a conflict. It is likely to have serious consequences.”

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“if it was Uses they don’t change road Toward Chinathe comparison will become conflict”. Beijing’s foreign minister, Wang Yirenews tensions with the United States by speaking Mandarin in aAsia Associationin New York, back to the question Taiwan. Noting that the policy ‘China only’ It is the basis on which it is based Relations between both super powers“The Taiwan issue is increasingly becoming the biggest threat,” Wang Yi stressed. And ‘if it’s not managed well, it’s very likely to trigger it Serious consequences “. As indicated by sources from the US State Department, the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken On the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, Wang Yi explained that preserving Hello Based on More In the Taiwan Strait very important.

In his speech – entitled “The Right Path for China and the United States to Coexist in the New Era” – the Chinese Foreign Minister stressed that “the recent proposal of Taiwan Policy Law of 2022 Foundations Challenge More” Relationships and “if the United States does not change course toward China, the confrontation will inevitably turn into a conflict.” In a long speech expressing hope for lasting cooperation, Wang Yi nevertheless questioned “how the United States would honor its important declaration not to support ‘Taiwan independence’ while, despite strong opposition China, let speaker of the house To visit Taiwan again after 25 years,” he said, resuming the visit Nancy Pelosi On the island, “Continue strengthening essential relationships With Taiwan through repeated official exchanges And the arms sales Including many offensive weapons.”

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Partner or competitor? Collaboration or comparison? These are questions of fundamental importance in Sino-US relations that cannot be adhered to Fatal errors. To maintain the minimum peace, we must make the right choice – Wang Yi added, recalling the various Xi Biden bilaterals – I want to tell you clearly that China is choosing Hello And strive for one peaceful development. Our most basic expectation for China-US relations is that the two countries live with each other in peace.” “The Infallible Truth” “We can win from cooperation and lose from confrontation,” he said again. “there cooperation Is our best choice – continued Wang Yi – Without a doubt, China and the United States have Competition in areas such as economics and Business China does not fear such competition.”

However, “We disagree that relations between China and the United States should be defined simply by competition, because this is not the whole or the the current from this relationship. At the same time, competition must have gods border And above all, to be fair play. It should be conducted according to widely recognized rules and is not obsessed of bargaining for development ability on others and depriving them of their legitimate rights and interests. We need one healthy competition Brings out the best in the other, not one fierce competition intended to kill each other.” For this reason, concluding his speech, he said, “Our hope is that China and the United States will benefit from past experience to find inspiration – inspiration To present and gain the strength to move forward. Together, let’s explore a path for a China-US relationship for new era And let’s create a file better future for both of our countries.”

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Relations between Washington and Beijing have been particularly turbulent since the controversial trip to Taipei (2-3 August) House Speaker: The Chinese government has studied the move provocative I used it to justify one military presence About the unprecedented island. Since then, different delegations Members of Congress visited Taiwan in the wake of Pelosi, with the aim of strengthening ties and expressing solidarity. last week , External commission The Senate passed the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022, a law on increasing military support for the island, part of the first major reform of Washington’s approach to the island since adopting the “one China” policy in 1979. In addition to the possibility of giving the weapon in exchange for Nearly 7 billion with Expedited Proceduresthe measure, which must be voted on by the plenary, confers the status of “Prime Unborn Ally” to the island.

Wang Yi slammed Taipei’s request to participate as is Member of the United Nations, being “the only Chinese government that can legally represent China. Taiwan should not be allowed to join international organizations that assert that it is a country.” The Secretary of State continued that the United States “must be on the right side of history,” criticizing Washington for encouraging it allies to shape “small circles” who – which “Elander” And “exclude” China, according to the coalition microprocessor with South KoreaAnd the Japan And the Taiwan known as “Chip 4”.

Ike Walton
Ike Walton
"Infuriatingly humble analyst. Bacon maven. Proud food specialist. Certified reader. Avid writer. Zombie advocate. Incurable problem solver."
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