Directed by Actress and Singer Federica Coppola
Madness in the Law of Human Relations by Anton Sischoff and Luigi Pirandello
Dramaturgy and directing: Antonio Vitale
With: Antonio Coppola, Federica Coppola and Antonio Vitale.
Theatrical director: Natalia Fusco.
Scenes and costumes:TeatrArteAllaRibalta
Chicovandelo It is not just a play on words that combine the titles of two great authors, Seechov and Prandello, But he collects excerpts from some of their texts that highlight, through well-defined situations, the human relationships that exist between people. starting from “Proposal” and “Bear” by Chekhov Even the surreal dialogue between Judge D’Andrea and Chiarchiaro de “driver’s license” And the paradoxical situation of the same verb “Belavita” by Pirandello We will take a real journey into the realm of feelings, which, in a way, dictate and direct human relations to some extent. The means of making this journey will be represented by the comedian, the strange and the irony, which, at times, will lead the viewer to laughter, to smile but also to excitement and thought. The exhibition is objectively relevant to the subject matter it deals with and further emphasizes how the great authors, though re-read, are and will always be up to date with the times. That is why the play of the authors will face contemporary play. This crazy and crisp show will accompany this evocative musical show at the same time.
forever Seechoff and Prandello They are authors that have captured my interest and my interest. Joining them through a show has always been an old obsession for me because, in connecting them, I have noticed some common elements, which converge in the study of the relationships and relationships that exist between the characters of each of their works. Cechov and Pirandello with different records and methods attempt, in a way, to analyze the human being and what goes around it, from the social context to the private relationship. This has always fascinated me and I think it is fitting that I give it a try, and take to the stage.”The offer of marriage ”and“ Bear ”by Chekhov and the surreal dialogue between Judge D’Andrea and Chiarchiaro from“ La patente ”and the solo act“ Bellavita ”by Prandello. Respecting the play of the Russian writer and Sicilian author, during the writing stage I tried to develop a new, original, and therefore, unedited play, aimed at the essence of the contents expressed in the authors’ works.
Why choose these particular texts? Because, I think, one can deduce from them comics, strange and ironic, a clear analysis of the madness that sometimes arises from human relations. Cechov and Pirandello are also able to well analyze the consequences that are determined by specific human relationships. This prompted me to envision a trend that aims for naturalistic representation and outputs these results. In addition, the actors and actress, in all black, will only wear costume items, which will change according to the characters. A lively and modern representation, along with a basic progressive acting, will further highlight the comparison of contemporary drama with the play of these two great authors. Sexually suggestive music, born of my own personal research, will enrich the show even more.
For information and reservations
space artetario
Via Nikola Maria Nikolai, 14-00156 Rome