From October 7 The movie is available live on Prime Video Catherine is called BirdieDirected by Lena Dunhamknown above all for creating, directing and interpreting the hero of the television series girlsnot to be confused with Lina HeadeyCersei Game of thrones (We explain below why we define this thing.)
If you’ve seen a poster of Catherine is called Birdie On Prime or on social media, you may have already guessed that this is a comedy with a medieval vibe. Which must be emphasized these days does not mean fiction, because the movie is not about it the DragonAnd the The genies nor who apocalyptic future Where we have lost all the techniques and knowledge of the past: no, we are in the Middle Ages, namely at the end of the thirteenth century, in England.
In this spoiler-free review, we next tell you the plot of the movie, and then we’ll analyze what we think is the only valid reason to watch it.
What is the story of “Catherine Cold Birdie”
In this story, based on the 1994 novel of the same name by Karen Cushman, the protagonist is – Hold On – Catherine (Bella Ramsay), a sweet and rebellious girl (Hold On Tight/2, nicknamed Byrdie) the daughter of Lord Rollo and Lady Aisline, Masters of the English Village of Stonebridge.
But if you imagine a rich, spoiled and arrogant noblewoman, you are mistaken, for two reasons in particular: because Catherine prefers to play with her shepherd friend Birkin than to be a maid of honor, and because her noble family in reality lives hard. Economic situation.
So, between running in the meadows and chatting with her friend Ellis, between a visit to her friar brother and one from her beloved uncle George, Catherine heard a letter from her father—a strange kind, who could not use a sword, liked to drink wine and bore his beloved wife—which she says is the only way to solve the problems of the family Finance is the marriage of Catherine to a wealthy man who yearns for a noble title in exchange for a large dowry.
But since we are in a comedy, the story of a fourteen-year-old being presented to the most slippery merchant in the south of England does not take on the features of drama, violence against minors, etc. But we don’t want to tell you anything else so you don’t get spoiled, so we stop here and invite you as usual to watch tractor From Catherine is called Birdie.
Why (don’t) watch Catherine Cold Birdie
There’s a reason we wrote earlier that Lena Dunham is not to be confused with Lena Headey, and that is that when you read Lena Dunham’s name at the beginning of the credits, you might think, as we did, of something. Like “Oh now I see, it’s a movie directed by Lena Headey/Cersei.”
Understood, considering that the only reason we were interested in this movie we found was finding cast members who actually saw some episodes Game of thrones.
If we haven’t missed anyone, there should be four: first of all the protagonist Bella Ramsay (Lyanna Mormont), whom we shall soon see again the last of us, then Paul Kay (who was Thoros Meyer), Dean Charles Chapman (Tomin Baratheon) and David Bradley (the infamous Lord Frey). We leave you the pleasure of getting to know them, and perhaps getting to know others.
But if you are not a fan of Game of Thrones, you will find no reason to watch it Catherine is called Birdie. A comedy that does not understand what it means, in a pandering style that actually serves only to hide the delicacy of the plot.
To put it in a cruel joke, if Lena Dunham had suggested this story as a TV series instead of the pretty girls He would hardly have overtaken the pilot. You rarely laugh, there’s nothing to make you think and two hours later there’s not even anything moral, except that maybe it would have been better to see something else.
Rating: 4.5
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