Sunday, March 16, 2025

Canada provides assistance to women who are denied abortion in the United States

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Nothing is permanent, not even civil rights. History next year Row v. Wade judgment of 1973 It’s 50 years since the U.S. Supreme Court approved the right to abortion, but it may not come this summer. Confidential document prepared by Judge Samuel Alito leaked to online newspaper on Monday Politics Nine U.S. judges were called in to shed light on what appears to be the referendum intentions and decide whether to confirm or repeal the rule. After Texas reintroduces a ban on abortion in the 6th week – the infamous “heartbeat ban” sets the crucial moment for the first fetal pulse of the abortion procedure. Even in rape and rape cases, it is illegal – Abortion is again a hot topic in the political debate. A right that now appears to be recognized and inviolable is being questioned at the local level and is now in danger of being revoked across the United States..

At the end of June, the Supreme Court will decide whether to overturn the 1973 Roe vs Wade ruling.

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The court’s final sentence is expected in late June and early July, but what will be the consequences for millions of American women? If canceled, theAbortion It will not immediately become illegal at the national level because that decision would be up to the individual states, and such action would set a very serious precedent. There BBC It estimates that half of the 50 states will ban abortions within a few weeks, especially in the South and West, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Texas, Oklahoma and Wyoming. GoodMatcher, a pro-choice group, estimates that another dozen or more may move quickly to block or severely restrict access. This way about 36 million women of reproductive age will live in states without access to abortion.

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Reform will mainly affect poor women and those belonging to minorities Those who do not have access to health insurance or who cannot travel long distances for such treatment. Faced with such a crisis situation, The Canada He said he was ready to welcome American women in need. “If they come here and need access, of course this is a service provided,” he told the Canadian broadcaster. CBC Minister of Families, Children and Community Development Karina Gold, Opening up the possibilities of providing a service to pregnant women and disappearing in a few months, who knows how many years are going to come. However, a Gold spokesman clarified that if Americans accessing health care in Canada did not fall under one of the Canadian provincial health plans, there would be an economic crisis. Pocket or a ‘private insurance. In the event of sanctions, distance factoring, travel and accommodation costs and, of course, new emergencies related to the Govt, there is a risk of international sanctions in the future.

Abortion Canada American Women

Canada introduced the abortion law in 1988.

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There is no federal law in Canada regulating abortion, which is legal at all stages of pregnancy and is practiced just like any other medical procedure.. In 1969, the Canadian government legalized abortion, which could endanger a woman’s life if the pregnancy continued. In 1988 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the existing law was unconstitutional because it violated the right to life, liberty and protection of women and became one of the first countries to have no law restricting abortion. If in the past only Canadian women across the border sought gynecological assistance from the states, the situation may change now. Demonstration of how there are no permanent victories and how rights can be guaranteed and regained every day.

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Bruno Lawrence
Bruno Lawrence
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