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Calcio Crema, record keeper who played (owner) for 42 consecutive championships: “I do not give up, I refer to the Guinness Book of Records”

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From Giovanni Gardani

Valerio Dornetti, 58, has been working his life as a financial promoter and coach for his young teammates. “I grew up in Atlanta with Madonna and Donadoni, one year older than me”

And the last penalty, in Category Three, Esperia-Calcio Crema, was saved against a boy born in 1997, 33 years younger than him. for Valerio Dorniti, 58, the age difference has never been an issue. The reason why goalkeeper will insure shrimp Cremona, who in his life was a financial promoter, still wears gloves and, if necessary, a hat even today. «From Serie A to the third tier, I played in all categories, except for Excellence, which I miss, but it’s a little late – Dorniti smiles -. However, I would like to clarify that I don’t make appearances every now and then, but that From 42 consecutive tournaments to the game, In principle, with the ranks of the starter or in any case with the appearance of a good number at the end of the tournament ».

Growing up at the Atalanta Youth Academy (“they put me on the team with Madonna and Donadoni, one year older than me”), Dorniti had his first experience in the adult championship at Crema 1908 in the 1981-82 season. He hasn’t given up since then. “While playing, I also train younger goalkeepers, in cooperation with semi-professional or even amateur companies, because it makes no difference to me. It takes a lot of passion, and then training the guys and playing with them makes me feel younger too.”

The real heights player, who injured his tibialis tendon in early September but was already on the field three weeks later. The Guinness Book of Records for Uruguayan Robert Carmona in sight, which in 2022 crossed the finish line 45 consecutive championships played. “But I would like to understand if the years in the youth sector matter too, because then I started in 1975 while it was in 1976. Anyway, I will try to hold on: I can probably beat the record anyway to remove all doubts.”

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Oct 26, 2022 (change Oct 26, 2022 | 08:23)

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Thalia Twitty
Thalia Twitty
"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."
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