Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Borsa Italiana, suspended session of November 21, 2022

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A sharp negative performance of oil inventories, after the price of crude oil in New York fell below $ 76 a barrel.

The main indices of the Italiana Stock Exchange and the main European financial centres Confirmed in the negative area In the first session of the week. FTSEMib is also affected by Dividend split From some major companies, incl Where is it? And the Intesa San Paolo.

at 16.35 FTSEMib It recorded a decrease of 1.37% to 24,338 points, just above the intraday low of 24,323 points. At the same time FTSE Italia All Share lost 1.29%. minus sign also for Medium hat from FTSE Italia (-0.74%) and l Star of FTSE Italy (-0.62%).

The Bitcoins It’s worth just over $16,000 (just under 16,000 euros).

The BTP-Bund spread It widened to 190 pips, with the 10-year BTP yield dropping to less than 3.9%.

L’euro It returned to $1,025.

Strong negative performance of the oil sector stocksafter the New York crude oil price (contract expires in January 2023) fell below $76 per barrel.

bad Where is it? (-5.48% to €13.41), which was also affected by the earnings quarter. The oil giant allocated the second installment of the coupon relating to the fiscal year 2022 in the amount of €0.22.

dips Saipem (-5.64% to €0.9766) e Tenaris (hanging down).

Intesa San Paolo Champion of the day (-3.23% for € 2.145). The foundation led by Carlo Messina has separated the interim dividend for 2023 (relating to fiscal year 2022) of €0.0738.

also Mediobanca (-7.58% to 9.404 euro) affected by the coupon split. The Piazzetta Cuccia Institute distributed a dividend of €0.75 to its shareholders.

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The separation coupon affects performance Banca Ives (-6.65% to 13.19 euros).

focus on We build (+0.79% to €1.535). The company has announced that it has reached financial close for the Ontario Line Railroad that will cross downtown Toronto. Webuild participates in the project with a 65% stake, equivalent to approximately €450 million for the joint venture that will carry out the civil works, and with a 10% stake in the larger international consortium Connect 6ix, which will head the entire initiative.

Still struggling trevi groupAfter the severe correction that he was subjected to on Friday. Address records one 8.11% slip at 0.34 euros.

REVO insurance also appeared, debuted in the STAR category, after the merger between REVO and ELBA Assicurazioni. The stock rose 0.23% to 8.9 euros.

Wynne Dinwiddie
Wynne Dinwiddie
"Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst."
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