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At the moment, there are 3.5 million euros on the table. The money should go to him 14,000 families residing in the city To “relieve” expensive bills. But in the communal treasuries there will still be a small nest egg for the fall: it can be used in the second batch of help for more difficult families; But also to support nursing homes and municipal businesses. there loggia Don’t forget the business and some actions can be taken to help the shops and craftsmen.
What is certain is that on Wednesday 11 May the call for applications will open Municipal Energy Reward. The call will remain open 45 days It targets all households with a variable-price electricity contract (therefore excluding fixed-price contracts, which have not risen) and not exceeding 12 thousand euros. The one-time contribution will be €200 per family. This figure rises to 300 euros for families with at least one minor. It will be deducted directly from your A2A Energia customers’ bill (in more bills if needed) while the transfer will be made if you have another operator. La Loggia estimates that the families that can be accessed with the reward are between 14 and 15 thousand. The application must be submitted online through authentication with a Spid (Digital Identity), Cie (Electronic Identity Card) or Cns (National Services Card). Then enter a little data, Isee, Pod number (you can find it in the bill), power supplier, if there are minors in the family or not.
“It would be a very simple procedure – he assures Budget advisor Fabio Capra -. We will engage nepotism, neighborhood councils and community points if someone, for example seniors, needs help.” The result will be sent via email. And 45 days after the announcement (“But if any questions arrive late, accept them anyway” assures Capra) the bounty will be paid out. “We are the first municipality to double the state’s reward for exorbitant bills The mayor explains Emilio del Bono -. The only ones with a scale of this size. A potential step for the good health of the municipality’s budget and our subsidiaries.” The municipal bounty will not solve all the problems of the Brescia families. But it will help with the first state “by influencing a good part of the lower middle class.” That is, up to 12 thousand euros means, for example, an income tax of 36 thousand euros For a family of four with a rented house. “In this way – continues Del Bono – we pay the largest profits from A2A to citizens: directly with the bonus, they do not indirectly raise tariffs for services,” from transport to canteens, which is experiencing increases in many other cities. “An investment for the social and economic stability of our community,” says the mayor.
Other resources will remain available in the municipal budget. “We have made a tangible sign of which I am proud – explains Capra -. We will assess how the situation will evolve in the coming months to calibrate any new aid.” Del Bono is also open to businesses. This year we will evaluate the targeted measures.” I will quickly say how many and which ones. We will see.
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