Rockets fell on the city Mykolaiv, Southern Ukraine. Two dead, according to the mayor Oleksandr Senkevich: he was killed Oleksiy Vadatorsky, 74 years old, owner of the largest grain trading company Nipolon and his wife Raisa. And the second Mikhailo PodolakAdviser Zelensky, it is not by chance: “It was not an accident, but a well-thought-out and well-organised premeditated murder,” he wrote on Telegram. The Ukrainian president also denounced the raid, saying that “one of the most brutal explosions in Mykolaiv and the region during the period of large-scale war occurred today. Dozens of shells and missiles. The occupants hit apartment buildings, schools, other social infrastructure and industrial facilities.” A few hours away, during the day of August 1, is Set sail from the first ship from Odessa with a cargo of grain on board. Directly to Lebanon, it transports more than 26 thousand tons. Other convoys are expected to leave.
On the other hand, the focus is on Russian economic and political conditions Anatoly ChubaisHe was admitted to Mater Olbia Hospital in Sardinia After the illness: “He is improving and some routine tests are underway. Mater Olbia’s general manager said, Marcello Giannico. There is “absolute secrecy” about what happened to Chubais, and the reason for his deterioration remains unclear. A few days ago, news leaked that Chubais was hospitalized in a serious condition “in a European clinic”: it was written by the agency. taxciting software provider as source Ksenia Sobchak, who said he got the news from Chubais’ wife, Avdotia Smirnova. Considered the father of privatization in Russia, he has played the role of presidential climate envoy in the past: But he resigned a month after the war began. From November 1994 to January 1996 he served as Deputy Prime Minister during the government Boris Yeltsin.
He was reportedly suffering from syndrome Gillian BarreIt is a rare neurological disease that damages the peripheral nerves. At the end of April tax He wrote that he settled in Italy, where he owns real estate, after a short stay in Turkey. “I just spoke to Avdotya – Sobchak wrote on his Telegram channel -. Chubais’ conditions are unstable. Suddenly he felt ill, accusing the weakness in his arms and legs. ” TASS later reported that it had received news from a source close to Chubais that the economist had “improved” after his treatment. The Kremlin described the news of Anatoly Chubais’ illness as “sad”, stressing that “if he asks for help, we are ready to help him.” This is what the Russian presidential spokesperson said Dmitriy Peskov He answered questions from reporters who asked him to comment. Since the beginning of the conflict there have been some suspicious deaths involving Russian businessmen: At the end of April CNN count six.
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