(ANSA) – ROME, NOV 02 – SMEs equivalent housing units: from January 2023 they will have to bid farewell to the market for greater light protection, which instead expires for families on January 10, 2024. The Arera, confirming the passage does not actually provide on specifications for condominiums but only distinguish between “domestic customers” and customers “in low voltage or other uses”.
Condominiums are incomprehensibly considered small enterprises, so for condominium users, the protected light market does not end on January 10, 2024 but in less than two months, January 1st, says Marco Vignola, head of the energy sector at the National Consumer Federation. 2023” which is “an illegitimate, absurd and inexplicable disparity in treatment between those who live in a villa and those who live in a building, which we request to rectify immediately for both the Government and Arira, together with the postponement of the end of the gas protection, introduced again for the end of this year” . (Dealing).
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