“Between Meloni and Schlein, there is an Italy that asks to be an actress,” Giuseppe Fioroni reminded us yesterday on Instagram New Times popular platform, indicating the mission and challenge of the political processes taking place in the downtown area, both as a regrouping of Popolari, and as a broader attempt to give life to a unified political entity in this area a la Margherita. The one who refuses to design the worst possible form of bipolarity, that is, between the right and the radical left, and who instead knows how to understand the effective alternative perspectives that seem to emerge both in Italian politics and internationally. There are three aspects that need to be addressed in this regard.
I think the first distinguishing feature of this center under construction is that it is grassroots rather than populist. An alternative for all populists, right and left, both for those who raise real problems to amplify uncertainty more than to solve them, and for those who seem to want to accompany the extinction of the middle class with luxury euthanasia rather than face responsible changes. Secondly, in my opinion, the project of this new center will have to position itself clearly in the new balance of power brought about by the processes of internationalization of the markets. Globalization and the technological revolution blew up the compromise between capitalism and democracy that was the basis for the renaissance of Italy and Europe after World War II. Much of the effective power, in the economy, in the knowledge, in the media in the Western world is controlled by a few elites who fortunately show great differences regarding the model of society to be built.
The choice of center should, in my opinion, be clear in this respect: there is an elite which does not regard democracy as a simulation to be replaced by social appropriations, which has managed to preserve a human and non-human vision of society, and with which a dialogue can and should be conducted in search of suitable mediations with the expectations and interests of the classes Central and popular. To use the label, the “Draghi Agenda” remains the most appropriate framework in which to place the Center’s initiative. The same agenda, let us never forget, which, for the time being, has saved the Meloni government from problems of international credibility and seems to make it able to deal with a complex socio-economic situation in a tangible, albeit amenable to improvement.
Third, I believe there is a need for a broad programmatic vision at the center, particularly on three major themes of our time that correspond to an ongoing triple transition: one environmental, digital (and soon quantitative) and the other toward a world that is willingly becoming multipolar. With regard to the third issue, the international issue, it seems that the most important thing, besides the collective support of Ukraine, is to characterize itself so that our country will exercise all its persuasion power with the allies to imagine a post-world order war. This is more or less acceptable for the rest of the world, where 85% of the world’s population lives.
The other two issues are those in which the center can clearly highlight the diversity of the left, which is now far removed from people who seem to follow uncritically the technocratic, Malthusian, transhumanist project imposed by some economic oligarchy. Reaffirming the need for gradualism and social sustainability for an ecology that wants to be “integrated”, rejecting the green ideological extremism and anthropological relativism that is its bearer, which imposes plans based on a rigid directive out of reality and contrary to it. social market economy system. Even in the field of digital transformation, it is desirable that the center be characterized by the use of technologies as tools and not as ends, in the service of participation in social life and work, and the reduction of social and regional gaps, and the abandonment of obsession. Left to control, track, and monitor as values in themselves.
In my opinion, these regions now constitute a kind of rehash of the camp choice that voters faced in the early decades of the Republic. If in those times the choice was: this is the free world, this is Stalin, in our time, then the choice that then makes the decision to vote (or not vote) for a large part of the electorate is between an open vision of society to the future, which does not stifle the people, Which does not threaten the safety of the middle class, which uses common sense to manage changes, and on the other hand a vision of a society in which everything appears to be planned, controlled, and strict ideological dystopia without paying attention to the developments of history and without taking into account humanity, being a person, and a citizen.
Before the necessary programmatic platform, I believe the center serves above all to position ourselves clearly on the right side of history, and this is the first thing the average voter looks at. With a popular project for our time, which is defined by democracy, social and popular Catholics play an indispensable role. .