And which whole-wheat biscuits do you put in your shopping cart? Some you should really avoid, here’s the ranking according to Altroconsumo, you’ll be amazed!
We are all careful when we go shopping, we don’t randomly put products in the shopping cart, but we choose carefully, we read the ingredients, but often the impulse or desire to change brands or types of products makes us make different choices.

It is therefore not easy to choose some products over others, and now in supermarkets we find everything and more, I was spoiled for choice. Today we will be dealing with whole wheat biscuits, many prefer to enjoy them for breakfast or eat them in the middle of the day as a snack.
Do you know which one is better according to Altroconsumo? Let’s see the rankings together!
Altroconsumo is the best whole wheat biscuit: it’s not what you think
Many prefer to start their day with a good biscuit, and whole biscuits are usually preferred, especially when you pay more attention to your figure. After the big Christmas bouts, we all try to get in line, even those who are used to eating the usual high-calorie biscuits.

After seeing what files The best light biscuits according to AltroconsumoLet’s see the best integrated items, the ranking will amaze you.
there The Altroconsumo arrangement takes into account the nutritional characteristics and ingredients of the biscuits, So sugars, proteins, fibres, fats, additives and flavourings.
Obviously, if the biscuits had more fiber, protein, and good fats, they would have a higher score.
The best wholegrain biscuits are those for sale in MD, a large-scale Italian distribution company, founded by Patrizio Bodini in 1994, we can find several points of sale throughout Italy.
On the stand we find Biscotto MD Bio with organic wholemeal shortbread and organic wholemeal shortbread cookies – score 58, costing only 1.39 € per pack.

to me Second place we find the Conad Piacersi wholegrain biscuits. Score 57.
Here it is rest of the arrangement: with 57 points we find Dolciando Digestive biscuits on sale at Eurospin, Esselunga balanced grain biscuits.
Let’s move on to 56 degrees, here are 3 types of biscuits: Konad Whole Grain Biscuits, Oro Saywa 5 Cereals and Vibrativa Cereals.
with a score of 55 We find the Balocco cruschelle, crunchy cereal cereal with rice, with a score of 54 we find the Campiello Gran chicco wholegrain with legumes and fruit, the wholegrain Carrefour biscuit, the wholegrain Esselunga biscuit.
Let’s get down to 53 As a summation, we find the classic Carrefour biscuit cereal, Colosi Magic sheets with whole grain flour and cereal, whole grain biscuits with 100% whole wheat flour Dolciando (on sale at Eurospin), Oro Saiwa Cruscoro.
Let’s move on to score 51 We find: Shortbread Biscuits with Cereals and Whole Wheat Flour Esselunga Bio, Gran Fruit Cereal.
with a score of 50 We find: Biscocerial with Cocoa Beans, Divella Fantasy, Otemini Whole Beans, Gran Cereal with Chocolate and Wild Pavesi Gocciole.
Those that are considered low quality: Great pills for the digestive systemFirst Molino Bianco Fruit, Silex Good Beans, The original McVit’s DigestiveCioccograno with whole wheat flour Mulini Bianco, whole wheat flour biscuits with Esselunga Equilibrio red fruits, Molinetti Mulino Bianco and finally Cereabel with Campiello Fruit.
Now you know according to Altroconsumo the best wholegrain biscuits to put in your cart!