Sunday, March 16, 2025

Batman, the message on the Riddler website expects the sequel?

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Remember the riddles and letters series on the Riddler website? Today another has been deciphered which may indicate the arrival of a The sequel to Batman.

The Spinning countdown It stopped, and the message was decrypted.

But what does this mean?

While Batman continues to dominate the box officeBatman fans have the opportunity to continue experiencing the atmosphere of the movie thanks to some great promotional ideas. An example is Riddler’s official website (, where encrypted messages carrying a prophetic message can be found.

But in what prophetic sense? Well, the last one Decrypted messages They seem to be suggesting the arrival of a new chapter in the movie saga, or at least a potential show…but let’s see what he has to say today.

According to the Comicbook website, the correct interpretation of the message that appeared at the end of the coundown would be a phrase also found in the movie with Robert Pattinson, or “Gotham City loves big returns“.

What do you think it means? To what or to whom will you refer? Let us know you in the comments.

In the meantime, we leave you with us Batman review We ask you, did you like the movie? Do you think Robert Pattinson is the best Batman ever?

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Wynne Castillo
Wynne Castillo
"Lifelong beer expert. General travel enthusiast. Social media buff. Zombie maven. Communicator."
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