Sunday January 15th, from 9:00, at Palalberti in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, the third day of the men’s “indoor hockey” Serie B tournament will take place in which the local team PGS Don Bosco 2000 coached by Giuseppe Genovese will be the protagonist.
After the first two concentrations, Longano’s team finished second in the standings with 6 points, behind PU Messina who got 9 points, but the pair Polisportiva Valverde and HC Ragusa dropped out of the standings with 3 points and Polisportiva galatea A with 0 points, Polisportiva Galatea B and Unime Messina.
The matches scheduled for Sunday are as follows: 09:30 PGS Don Bosco – Pol. Valverde, 10:30 HC Ragusa – Pol. Galatea A, at 11:30 Pol. Galatea B – PGS DoBosco, at 12:30 Pol Valverde Indoor – Pol. Galatea A, at 13:30 Pol. Galatea B – HC Ragusa, at 14:30 PGS Don Bosco – Pol. Galatea A and at 15:30 Pol. Valverde Indoor – HC Ragusa.
President Sergio Fraumeni’s team aims to finish first and second in order to be able to participate in the national stage that will take place on February 11 and 12, 2023 in Reggio Emilia.
Indoor hockey is an “indoor” type of field hockey, a discipline played during the winter season, when artificial turf fields generally do not allow
Outdoor exercise. It is played in gymnasiums and arenas, the field is made of linoleum and teams consist of six players each (including the goalkeeper).
There are two play times, each of 20 minutes. Management is entrusted to two governors.
The stadium and goals are smaller on the outside. Except for the baseline, instead of the sidelines, there are sidelines that always keep the ball inside
field and this, combined with a small size, makes it a technical and fast system.
There is a lot of interest on Indoor Hockey Sunday and there will be many fans and simple spectators who will stop by Palalberti to focus on the 3rd Series B.