Professor Vittorio Silvestrini is the author with his son, Paolo, of the exhibition Synchronicity in Art and Science: A Unified Perception of Reality, which will take place on Sunday January 29 at 11:30 in Sol Lewitt, Space F and Città della Scienza. The exhibition of artworks – sculptures and paintings – will be open until March 5, 2023.
Founder of the Idis Foundation – Città della Scienza, Vittorio Silvestrini is a physicist who has made his life a mission: spreading science to people, improving scientific culture and developing innovation and knowledge. The key to determining the social, cultural and economic growth of a country. Since 1987 promoter of national and international initiatives, exhibitions and major events (such as Futuro Remoto) on avant-garde scientific themes with the participation of distinguished guests but always championing a universal language aimed at bringing together art and science to break down barriers and make knowledge accessible to all.
The exhibition Synchronicity in Art and Science: Unified Perception of Reality, curated by Vittorio and Paolo Silvestrini, proceeding from the historical mission that marked the Città della Senza throughout its development, aims to be a further step in this direction. The story of the emotional relationship between father and son, about a deep integration of the aspects of generations that sometimes seem conflicting, of the importance of roots in the history of each individual towards a new awareness that integrates tradition and innovation by trying to integrate art and science into one unified vision and at the same time inviting everyone to personal and responsible thinking in Develop human knowledge.
This is how Riccardo Villari, President of the Città della Scienza, puts it: “Thanks to the intuition of Vittorio Silvestrini, the first Italian Center for Science was born, one of the first major European cultural institutions that happily continues to carry out its mission linked to the dissemination of knowledge and knowledge and thus to the promotion of development. A cultural process that is also complete thanks to the mutual influence of art and science, as it emerges from the exhibition “.
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”