Arrival of Inspector Revitoni: Hera Group projects are back in school. In the region of Modena we start with the Ginizelli Primary School in Castelfranco Emilia, then the schools of Pomporto and Pastiglia will also be affected.
From the Garbage Olympics with the help of Inspector Revitoni to the connection to Concordia Station in Antarctica: The Hera Group brings together some 83,000 Emilia-Romagna students to the heart of water, energy and environment topics using the world’s great machine and good science. More than 10,000 students participate in Modena
The Hera Group is once again focusing on young people to win their newest challenge: saving the planet. More than 900 schools and about 4,000 classes are registered, with about 83,000 students. This is the total number of young Emilia-Romagna aged 4-18, with their teachers and multi-facility expert support, about to start projects The Great Machine of the World and a well of science: 67 tracks and activities, framed under the 2030 Agenda, With unpublished workshops, events and group activities. In the Modena region we start tomorrow, February 15, with the first class of the Guinizeli Primary Schools.
In all, 129 schools in the Modena region will participate in the educational programme, with a total of more than 500 classes and 10,000 pupils between 4 and 18 years old.
No more waste in the wrong container: the inspector has arrived
About 70 schools and 4,500 students have chosen the new entry for this edition of The Great Machine of the World. is being Inspector Revitoni and the Divergent Case, workshop for the age group 8-11, which brings to the class a special character, well-versed in the topic of circular economy, who will try with an exceptional tool, a transparent basket, “illuminate”, using the help of students in the complex world of waste and the importance of separate collection of quality. With dynamic and fun activities, the workshop makes young people champions of change. But that’s not all: the classes will also be divided into teams and they will take part in the “Bin Olympics” challenge where everyone wins: each class will in fact be honored with a commemorative poster dedicated to “Il Rifiutologo”, a multi-companion application that helps citizens solve all doubts about collecting Waste separately and will receive a Certificate of Trade-offs Expert.
Other appointments with experts and certifications
The Great Machine of the World’s green events organized in-flow marking the emblematic days of the environment have been enriched with stimulating encounters with engaging characters such as Massimo Bonfatti, cartoonist known for his experience in Cattivik, Lupo Alberto and Giovanni Caviezel, author of short stories and music for children, Roberto Mercadini, actor, writer and YouTuber. Begins on February 18, with World Energy Day, to complement World Water Day on March 22 and Earth Day on April 22: important occasions to engage the youngest thanks to interaction with testimonies sensitive to environmental issues through the use of languages closest to them.
Diversity is synonymous with value at school with Diversity @ School
Marking the year of inclusion, among the novelties in this release are two initiatives on issues of diversity and respect directed at junior high schools, in collaboration with Work Wide Women. The first workshop aims to encourage reflection on behaviors and habits during the school day, through concrete examples, and on this occasion the interactive game Diversity @ School will be launched. A second appointment will be devoted to comprehensive language, to reflect on the power of words and the importance of developing good language habits.
What happens if…? The well of science returns to the high school offices
Science Well is back for high school students, a versatile science publishing project. 38 activities scheduled, including 6 streaming events with internationally renowned experts and scholars: From Luca Mercalli to Telmo BivaniPassing through Stefano Mancuso And Marco Gisotti. Moreover, this edition will double the appointments that will connect students to the Italian-French Concordia station in Antarctica, two unique opportunities for dialogue with researchers located at this place on the edge of the world but very important for science and the environment.
In general, this year’s science-rich program focuses well on the theme of “What if…? – Causes and Effects of an Interconnected World.” Besides concepts and concepts, the project takes children on an interdisciplinary path, to help them understand and improve the world they live in to secure the future, to discover the importance of research, innovation and sustainability, not only in the field environment, and the choices we make every day. The heart of the activities also, there are 19 interviews conducted by young people with experts such as Mariasol BiancoThe world of oceans and landmarks, Vincenzo BalzaniProfessor of Chemistry and Promotion of Energy Transition, Sarah RoversiAn expert in food innovation in the future food and 4 scientific laboratories on the subject of emissions, waste and water. He also emphasized this year’s Peer Debate and Web Magazine, to help young people extricate themselves between communication needs and the reality of facts, through the journalist’s experience. Marco Merola.
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